NREL / BuildingMOTIF

Building Metadata OnTology Interoperability Framework (BuildingMOTIF)
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Brick instance validation has an error when validating with Brick v1.3 #313

Open yunjoonjung-PNNL opened 2 months ago

yunjoonjung-PNNL commented 2 months ago

Hi BuildingMOTIF,

Could you investigate the following issue?

When I validated my brick instance against the Brick-subset.ttl that I downloaded from this repository, the validation was proceeded as expected. However, upon validating the same brick instance against the brick instance (v 1.3) I downloaded from the official brick website, I encountered this error (pyshacl.errors.ConstraintLoadError: NotConstraintComponent must have at most one sh:not predicate.).

FYI, my laptop has

I attached my testing files. Please let me know if any clarification is needed.

gtfierro commented 1 month ago

Hey there! No idea why I didn't catch this issue being filed back in April -- sorry about that!

Don't do validation against Brick-subset. It is there to test different things. Do you still see the error when you use Brick 1.4?

yunjoonjung-PNNL commented 1 month ago

Hi Thanks for the reply.

Can you point me to where I can download the office Brick v 1.4? It seems like the official brick website doesn't have it.

gtfierro commented 1 month ago

Yes! You can find Brick 1.4 under the Brick releases on GitHub. I might also recommend checking out the nighly build: