As part of a national priority for improving energy efficiency, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has established a national system of indicators to track changes in the energy intensity of our economy and economic sectors over time.
Goal is to incorporate non-energy GHG emissions into LMDI GHG composition calculations. Scope is historical emissions, as reported by EPA under the national GHG inventory.
Effort will involve collecting data and determining how to integrate emissions (and their activity data?) into the LMDI framework.
A first guess at how this might be accomplished is to go through the EPA Inventory supporting documents and pull out the most relevant, highest level data available. For example, to include methane emissions from cattle, we would take emissions factor data from Table A-158: Calculated Annual National Emission Factors for Cattle by Animal Type, for 2017 (kg CH4/head/year) and the number of head of cattle from Table A-140: Cattle Population Estimates from the CEFM Transition Matrix for 1990–2019 (1,000 head).
Other things to consider:
[ ] Has anyone else done this sort of non-combustion emissions decomposition? If so, who?
[ ] Look into what others have done in their GHG decompositions for non-combustion emissions
[ ] Find contacts at EPA to check assumptions and data?
Industrial processes and product use (might be some double-counting here b/c EIA counts combustion of some process fuels as energy, but EPA considers these industrial process emissions)
CH4, CO2, and N20 from petroleum systems
CH4, CO2, and N20 from natural gas systems
CH4, CO2, and N20 from incineration of waste
HFC and PFC emissions from substitution of ozone depleting substances
[ ] Create csv or yaml that maps non-combustion emissions categories (from table ES-2) to their energy sector and locations of their activity and energy data.
[ ] Note for Colin where activity data aren't included in EPA inventory report.
@calmc by 3/26:
[ ] Fill in location of missing activity data in file.
Goal is to incorporate non-energy GHG emissions into LMDI GHG composition calculations. Scope is historical emissions, as reported by EPA under the national GHG inventory.
Effort will involve collecting data and determining how to integrate emissions (and their activity data?) into the LMDI framework.
A first guess at how this might be accomplished is to go through the EPA Inventory supporting documents and pull out the most relevant, highest level data available. For example, to include methane emissions from cattle, we would take emissions factor data from Table A-158: Calculated Annual National Emission Factors for Cattle by Animal Type, for 2017 (kg CH4/head/year) and the number of head of cattle from Table A-140: Cattle Population Estimates from the CEFM Transition Matrix for 1990–2019 (1,000 head).
Other things to consider:
[ ] Has anyone else done this sort of non-combustion emissions decomposition? If so, who?
[ ] Look into what others have done in their GHG decompositions for non-combustion emissions
[ ] Find contacts at EPA to check assumptions and data?
Sources (all data from EPA GHG inventory; individual tables are available in csvs: