NREL / EnergyPlus

EnergyPlus™ is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model both energy consumption and water use in buildings.
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Refrigeration Documentation Typoes #4372

Closed Myoldmopar closed 9 years ago

Myoldmopar commented 10 years ago

From @ebonnema. Page numbers are from 8.1 released documentation IO ref pdf.

  1. Page 1178
    • Refrigeration System Total Compressor Electric Consumption [J]
      • This is the electricity consumption of the system’s compressor(s) in Joules for the timestep being reported. The individual consumption for each compressor is also added to a meter with Resource Type = Electricity, End Use Key = Refrigeration, Group Key = Plant (Ref. Output:Meter objects).
    • Consumption should be Energy
  2. Page 1198
    • Refrigeration System Condenser Fan Electric Consumption [J]
      • This is the electricity consumption of the system’s condenser fan(s) in Joules for the timestep being reported. This output is also added to a meter with Resource Type = Electricity, End Use Key = Refrigeration, Group Key = Plant (Ref. Output:Meter objects).
    • Again, Consumption should be Energy
mjwitte commented 10 years ago

@ebonnema @Myoldmopar Those are leftovers from before the great output variable renaming (v8.0). In general every occurrence of "electric consumption" or anything "consumption" was changed to something else, generally "energy". Would suggest searching the entire I/O Ref for the word "consumption" to look for others than may have been missed in the 8.0 changes. Can reference Report Variables 7-2-0-006 to 8-0-0.csv to confirm old and new names.

Myoldmopar commented 10 years ago

Add this one to the list to fix for this issue:

  1. Page 1197
    • Looks like this didn’t get finished, page 1197 of the I/O reference….
    • Field: Air Inlet Node Name or Zone Name This optional alpha field contains the name of the node from which the condenser draws its outdoor air or the name of the conditioned zone where the condenser is located. If this field is left blank, the outdoor air drybulb temperature entering the condenser is taken directly from the weather data. If this field is not blank and an outdoor air node name is entered, this node name must also be specified in an OutdoorAir:Node object where the height of the node is taken into consideration when calculating outdoor air temperature from the weather data. Alternately, the node name may be specified in an OutdoorAir:NodeList object where the outdoor air temperature is taken directly from the weather data. If a zone name is entered, ….bbb
Myoldmopar commented 9 years ago

@mjwitte Thanks for reminding of the output variable renaming. I grep'd the IORef and found several instances of input fields that end with consumption, but spot checking them, I found input fields still exist with Consumption, so I'm not digging further right now. I am fixing the typo-s above though in my Markdown branch.