NREL / EnergyPlus

EnergyPlus™ is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model both energy consumption and water use in buildings.
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Documentation Issues - November-December 2015 #5313

Closed JasonGlazer closed 8 years ago

JasonGlazer commented 8 years ago

For Group-Refrigeration, the InputOutputReference for EnergyPlus 8.4 shows under the "Detailed approach" all bullet items at the same level. Some of these bullet items should be indented further indicating what options may be used. Look at the EnergyPlus 8.2 to see how it is supposed to appear.

See I/O Ref pp. 1485-1486 for corrections.

mjwitte commented 8 years ago

See Engineering Ref p. 926 for corrections.

mjwitte commented 8 years ago

See Engineering Ref Pp. 927-930 for corrections. Equations on pp. 929&930 have been modified to match the source code here

                    // Calculate full load output conditions
                    FullLoadOutAirEnth = EvapInletEnthalpy - ( TotalHeatRemovalRate / PartLoadRatio ) / EvapAirMassFlow;
                    hTinwout = EvapInletEnthalpy - ( 1.0 - SHR ) * ( ( TotalHeatRemovalRate / PartLoadRatio ) / EvapAirMassFlow );
                    FullLoadOutAirHumRat = PsyWFnTdbH( EvapInletDryBulb, hTinwout, RoutineName, true );
                    FullLoadOutAirTemp = PsyTdbFnHW( FullLoadOutAirEnth, FullLoadOutAirHumRat );
                    // when the air outlet temperature falls below the saturation temperature, it is reset to saturation temperature
                    if ( FullLoadOutAirTemp < PsyTsatFnHPb( FullLoadOutAirEnth, OutBaroPress, RoutineName ) ) {
                        FullLoadOutAirTemp = PsyTsatFnHPb( FullLoadOutAirEnth, OutBaroPress, RoutineName );
                        FullLoadOutAirHumRat = PsyWFnTdbH( FullLoadOutAirTemp, FullLoadOutAirEnth, RoutineName );
mjwitte commented 8 years ago

See Engineering Ref p. 500 for corrections.

mjwitte commented 8 years ago

This should be replaced with: "For large horizontal openings, use AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:HorizontalOpening."

@lgu1234 please confirm. Helpdesk ticket 10961

See I/O Ref pp. 1075 for corrections.

lgu1234 commented 8 years ago

@mjwitte It is partially true, because the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:HorizontalOpening is restricted to be used as an indoor partition, not exposed to outdoors right now. When a large horizontal opening is exposed outdoors, the above method is still valid.

JasonGlazer commented 8 years ago

See I/O Ref p. 54 for corrections.

Myoldmopar commented 8 years ago

Closed via #5801