Closed mjwitte closed 6 years ago
Addressed in #5817. But AvailaiblityManager:HybridVentilation is not valid in the availability manager list, it hangs out there alone. So only added keys for AvailiabilityManager:OptimumStart".
[ ] Dataset typo, see #5619
addressed in issue #5603 (as suggested).
[ ] Helpdesk ticket 11322, questions about modeling a shade layer in a four pane window. The v8.5 I/O Ref, on p. 347 under WindowProperty:ShadingControl Shading Type implies that shading only works for up to three panes and that between-glass shades can only be placed between the inner two panes. Is this still true?
[ ] The equivalent layer window model supports many layers in any order, but the I/O Ref and Engineering Ref are silent about whether this can be used with WindowProperty:ShadingControl (at least I didn't find anything about that) and how it would be applied.
addressed in issue #5603. (added notes in I/O and Eng. Ref documents).
WindowProperty:ShadingControl is not supported in EquivalentLayer window model. But the WindowMaterial:Blind:EquivalentLayer blind object has its own slat angle control.
[x] Helpdesk ticket 11345, Searching ExampleFiles.html for "residential" revealed several occurrences of the same typo: "residetial". This means the typo appears in the comments of these five example files: AirflowNetwork_MultiZone_House.idf, AirflowNetwork_MultiZone_House_OvercoolDehumid.idf, AirflowNetwork_MultiZone_House_TwoSpeed.idf, AirflowNetwork_Simple_House.idf, and SingleFamilyHouse_TwoSpeed_ZoneAirBalance.idf
addressed in #5603
People object Fraction Radiant is a required field but it has no default. Should add a default. 0.3 ok? idd and I/O Ref.
ASHRAE HOF 2017, Chapter 18, Table 1, recommends radiant fraction that range from 0.49 to 0.60 for low air velocity and from 0.19 to 0.35 for high air velocity depending on degree of activity.
[ ] The HAMT model should state somewhere that the outside surface relative humidity (RH) is always forces for 100% for surfaces with the Ground boundary condition. (From helpdesk ticket 11395).
[x] addressed in issue #5603 added "Surfaces with Ground exterior boundary condition assumes saturated air ( 100% relative humidity) condition to calculate the exterior mass transfer coefficient, which is then used to model the mass transport through a ground contact surfaces.". This was added in engineering reference.
@mjwitte Is this a place you want small doc issues thrown in by other people? Or is this your personal punchlist that you don't expect outside people to add onto?
@Myoldmopar Anyone is welcome to add to the list here. When it starts to get long, then it's time to make a new one. The concept here is to reduce effort in tracking and implementing a bunch of little doc changes - batch processing.
Just found a very minor documentation thing, at the bottom of page 1292 the supply air fan operating mode schedule name should be numbered like the rest of the fields.
[ ] Update Coil:Cooling:Water default heat exchanger configuration per
addressed in issue #5603 (changed the I/O reference to match the Idd.)
[ ] The equations in the input/output reference for Curve:ExponentialDecay and Curve:ExponentialSkewNormal aren't rendering quite right. Both have problems with exp
addressed in issue #5603 (corrected equations)
And this is the current (v8.5) incorrect equation:
Error was introduced in v8.3
Note that this equation appears twice. Even in the earlier versions it was somewhat ambiguous. Would be better as a stacked fraction.
Both of these are addressed in #5810.
Addressed in #5817
[ ] I/O Ref, the figures for AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer are missing lines. image275.png and image276.png
addressed in issue #5603 (replaced it with modified image)
[ ] I see figures position floating in IORef for "GroundHeatExchanger:Surface" object as well. image205.png and image206.png Here, and above, arrowheads show, but the lines to the arrowheads are missing.
addressed in issue #5603 (replaced with modified images).
[ ] I/O Ref, in section 1.47.12 AvailabilityManager:OptimumStart the description for the input field "Control Algorithm" says, "The AdaptiveASHRAE algorithm has not been implemented yet." But the IDD for this input field says, "default value for Input field "Control Algorithm" is AdaptiveASHRAE. The I/O Ref is out of date. The develop version of latex document has the same issue.
addressed in issue #5603 ( corrected it with AdaptiveASHRAE algorithm as default)
[ ] EnergyPlus_Support question:
The input output reference for WindowMaterial:Glazing under 'Field: Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence' states:
"For uncoated glass, when alternative optical properties are available—such as thickness, visible index of refraction, and visible extinction coefficient—they can be converted to equivalent visible transmittance and reflectance values using the equations given in “Conversion from Alternative Specification of Glass Optical Properties.”
Reference to equations should be: "Glass Optical Properties Conversion" (change 2 places in IO Ref). Equations shown In Eng. Ref. pg 273.
In the Engineering Reference, section "Loop, Equipment Sizing and Other Design Data", "Compent Sizing"
The Boiler Sizing heading level is suppressed and its content lies under Electric Chiller Sizing
The chiller and boiler sizing calculations are missing a term for the component level sizing factor. Plant sizing factors were added to many components but the sizing calculation documentation doesn't appear to reflect that. Should check for other places it may be missing.
these issues appear to be already resolved in develop V8.9
This is observed in the E+ 8.5 Input/Output Reference documentation:
[ ] Field: Stack Coefficient for the ZoneInfiltration:EffectiveLeakageArea object references a table of stack coefficient values but the table is missing. Only the table with shelter classes is available. Field: Wind Coefficient correctly has both tables.
[ ] Field: Stack Coefficient for the ZoneInfiltration:FlowCoefficient object references a table of stack coefficient values but the table is missing. Only the table with shelter classes is available. Field: Shelter Factor correctly has both tables.
[ ] Field: Wind Coefficient for the ZoneInfiltration:FlowCoefficient object references a table of stack coefficient values but the table is missing. Only the table with shelter classes is available. Field: Shelter Factor correctly has both tables.
these issues appear to be already resolved in develop V8.9
in OutputDetailsAndExamples, section "Output Files", "eplustbl.
@EnergyArchmage Is that in the latest docs on Develop? current ones here.
oh, no I was looking at 8.5 release docs, I guess the table output details already got fixed.
N17, \field Number of Stepped Control Steps \note for Lighting Control Type=2, this field cannot be zero. \type integer \default 1
[ ] I/O Ref descriptions for VRF Heat Pump Heating Electric Power (and Consumption) incorrectly state that crankcase heater and/or defrost are included in these amounts. The power for those are reported separately. VRF Heat Pump Heating Electric Power only includes the compressor and outdoor fan energy. From helpdesk ticket 12275.
addressed in issue #5603 (modified as suggested and also verified against current code).
Closed via #6463
Suggest changing the above to two lines:
Then delete the three occurences of \reference ScheduleAndDayScheduleNames
Addressed in #5817