NREL / EnergyPlus

EnergyPlus™ is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model both energy consumption and water use in buildings.
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Documentation Issue 2019b #7451

Closed mjwitte closed 4 years ago

mjwitte commented 5 years ago

Issue overview

A collection of minor documentation issues. See comments below for additional items.


Some additional details for this issue (if relevant):


Add to this list or remove from it as applicable. This is a simple templated set of guidelines.

Nigusse commented 5 years ago
mldichter commented 5 years ago
mldichter commented 5 years ago

Typographical errors are common and many of them can be fixed with a simple spellchecker.


shorowit commented 5 years ago


mitchute commented 5 years ago



Original Word file with charts (needs updating): FillGaps_HVACComponents_ParentChildMatrix_ExistingCapabilities.docx

mitchute commented 5 years ago


This happens for docs downloaded from GitHub and when built locally.

shorowit commented 5 years ago


  Custom Annual Window Report,  !- Name
  , !- Report Group Name                        <---- ???
  , !- Filter
  , !- Schedule Name


       \memo Provides a generic method of setting up tables of annual results with one row per object.
       \memo The report has multiple columns that are each defined using a repeated group of fields
       \memo for any number of columns. A single Output:Table:Annual produces a single table in the
       \memo output.
   A1, \field Name
       \type alpha
   A2, \field Filter
       \type alpha
       \note An optional text string that is compared to the names of the objects referenced by the
       \note variables and if they match are included in the table. A footnote will appear that indicates
       \note that the objects shown may not be all the objects that of that type that occur in the file.
   A3, \field Schedule Name
       \type object-list
       \object-list ScheduleNames
       \note Optional schedule name. If left blank, aggregation is performed for all hours simulated. If
       \note a schedule is specified, aggregation is performed for non-zero hours in the schedule.
mjwitte commented 4 years ago
energysims commented 4 years ago

CoolingTower:SingleSpeed, N13, \field Design Inlet Air Dry-Bulb Temperature N14, \field Design Inlet Air Wet-Bulb Temperature N15, \field Design Approach Temperature N16, \field Design Range Temperature

CoolingTower:TwoSpeed, N21, \field Design Inlet Air Dry-Bulb Temperature N22, \field Design Inlet Air Wet-Bulb Temperature N23, \field Design Approach Temperature N24, \field Design Range Temperature

energysims commented 4 years ago

This alpha field contains the method by which the user will specify tower performance: “UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate” or “NominalCapacity”. If this field is left blank in the input data file, the default input method is assumed to be “NominalCapacity”. If the method “” is selected, then the user must enter design UA values, design water flow rates and air flow rates as described for the previous input fields.

eringold commented 4 years ago

For example, "1.12.10 RoomAirSettings:ThreeNodeDisplacementVentilation" lists the inputs, then is followed immediately by "1.12.11 RoomAirSettings:CrossVentilation". The outputs for the three node object don't appear until, fourteen pages later. As a user, I expect to find all object-specific outputs described immediately after the object input description.

shorowit commented 4 years ago
JasonGlazer commented 4 years ago


mldichter commented 4 years ago
jmarrec commented 4 years ago

@mitchute wrote:

* [ ]  Some figures do not appear in the docs (on mac, at least). For example, [Figure 1.110](

It seems all of these png that do not display correctly in the PDF are RGB Color 16-bit gamma integer, while others that work fine are 8-bit. If I open the 16bit png in GIMP, and change the precision from 16-bit to 8-bit, suddenly it works.

Unix: file *.png | /bin/grep "16-bit"

jmarrec commented 4 years ago

@shorowit re

The Field: Solar Distribution says for FullExterior:

Beam solar radiation entering the zone is treated as for MinimalShadowing – All beam solar radiation entering the zone is assumed to fall on the floor, where it is absorbed according to the floor’s solar absorptance. Any reflected by the floor is added to the transmitted diffuse radiation, which is assumed to be uniformly distributed on all interior surface

Now if you look at Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate, and keep reading on:

As of Version 2.1, diffuse solar transmitted through exterior and interior windows is no longer uniformly distributed. Instead, it is distributed according to the approximate view factors between the transmitting window and all other heat transfer surfaces in the zone. This variable is the amount of transmitted diffuse solar that is initially absorbed on the inside of each heat transfer surface. The portion of this diffuse solar that is reflected by all surfaces in the zone is subsequently redistributed uniformly to all heat transfer surfaces in the zone, along with interior reflected beam solar and shortwave radiation from lights. The total absorbed shortwave radiation is given by the next variable

I think there isn't an actual problem here. Thoughts anyone?

mjwitte commented 4 years ago

@jmarrec @shorowit There is some confusion here between initial transmitted diffuse and reflected diffuse. The description for Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate properly distinguishes between the two. The descriptions for Solar Distribution don't seem to make that distinction very clear. I did a quick check of the code to confirm how reflected diffuse is used (and the equations are laid out in the Engineering Reference under Interior Diffuse Radiation.

So in the Building Solar Distribution options, "Any reflected by the floor is added to the transmitted diffuse radiation" should read "... added to the reflected diffuse radiation ...".

And the overall Solar Distribution description could use a few sentences explaining how diffuse is treated - using the laguage from the output variable description, something like this:

"Diffuse solar transmitted through exterior and interior windows is distributed according to the approximate view factors between the transmitting window and all other heat transfer surfaces in the zone. The portion of this diffuse solar that is reflected by all surfaces in the zone is subsequently redistributed uniformly (weighted by area and solar absorptance) to all heat transfer surfaces in the zone, along with interior reflected beam solar and shortwave radiation from lights."

rraustad commented 4 years ago

"(weighted by area and solar absorptance)" Since the description is talking about the "portion of diffuse solar that is reflected and redistributed", weighted by surface solar absorptance doesn't sound right, but I didn't check the equations.

mjwitte commented 4 years ago

@rraustad Yeah, the solar absorptance comes into play twice (or more). It governs how much initial solar (beam and diffuse) gets reflected (all as diffuse) and then it governs how much of the total reflected diffuse it absorbs. So, if there are two surfaces in the same zone with different solar absorptance, the one with higher solar absorptance will keep more of the reflected diffuse.

mldichter commented 4 years ago

The IO Ref and IDD disagree on the inputs to a AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage object.

Capture3 Capture4

The IDD appears to be the correct one. The Node 1 Name and Node 2 Name fields can accept the name of a Zone object.