NREL / EnergyPlus

EnergyPlus™ is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model both energy consumption and water use in buildings.
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Adiabatic Boundary Condition Reporting Issue for Surface Outside Face heat transfer output variables #9466

Open EnergyArchmage opened 2 years ago

EnergyArchmage commented 2 years ago

Issue overview

There is a code problem here

The logic should be if (surface.ExtBoundCond > 0 && surface.ExtBoundCond != SurfNum)

When surfaces are so-called Adiabatic, they self reference and the ExtBoundCond value is the surface's own index. The otherside face is never going to get calculated separately, as it would for an actual partition. The values for SurfOpaqOutsideFaceConductionFlux and SurfOpaqOutsideFaceConduction never get calculated. This causes erroneous values to be present in a set of surface output variables related to these:

Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate
Surface Heat Storage Rate 
Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate

I believe it is just a reporting issue.


Some additional details for this issue (if relevant):


Add to this list or remove from it as applicable. This is a simple templated set of guidelines.

lgu1234 commented 2 years ago

@EnergyArchmage I modified an example file of 1ZoneUncontrolled.idf as a test file. The Outside Boundary Condition are revised as Adiabatic in both Zn001:Wall001 and Zn001:Wall002. The Outside Boundary Condition of Zn001:Flr001 is already defined as Adiabatic. The outputs of Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate for these 3 surfaces are all zero as expected.

When I add your logic, if (surface.ExtBoundCond > 0 && surface.ExtBoundCond != SurfNum), The outputs of Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate for these 3 surfaces are not zero anymore.

I found via debug that all surface.ExtBoundCond = SurfNum. Therefore, SurfOpaqOutsideFaceConductionFlux calculations are not bypassed and generate some values which are not compatible with Adiabatic boundary condition. Based on observation with the test file, the existing calculation may be OK.

Enclosed is a test file.

in - Copy.txt

Please let me know what you think.

EnergyArchmage commented 2 years ago

I know it sounds like Adiabatic should have zero values at outside face, but not in E+. It is the same boundary conditions inside and outside (well except for an annoying lag from previous timestep) and the values should not be all zero.

lgu1234 commented 2 years ago

@EnergyArchmage My understanding is that SurfOpaqOutsideFaceConductionFlux and others should not be bypassed and should be calculated. Is my understanding correct?

EnergyArchmage commented 2 years ago

Yes. If its so-called Adiabatic they should get calculated. Just to fill reporting variable

lgu1234 commented 2 years ago

@EnergyArchmage Here is a definition of Adiabatic boundary condition from a web site as Screenshot 2022-06-24 090722 If any values of heat flux are reported, more justification is needed. To be honest, I may not accept no zero fluxes, When there is an annoying lag from previous timestep, the item should be a part of storage.

EnergyArchmage commented 2 years ago

He he, I wish there really was an Adiabatic boundary condition in EnergyPlus.

I can't explain it if you don't already know. But the heat flows are occurring at the outside face in the modeling. It is just balanced so that the same thing is happening at both the inside face and the outside face. The problem is that user cannot explore the storage (and release) of heat over time because the report variables, such those cited above. are not accurate. It should be the case that over a 24 hour period on a cooling design day, the adiabatic surface will store and release an equal amount of heat. But with the error here, that is not the case.

The code comment about partitions is correct, but adiabatic surfaces are not partitions.

lgu1234 commented 2 years ago

@EnergyArchmage Here is the code in Develop

Line 5042 if (surface.ExtBoundCond > 0) continue; Line 5902 state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqStorageCond(surfNum) = -(state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqInsFaceCond(surfNum) + state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqOutFaceCond(surfNum));

Since SurfOpaqOutFaceCond = 0, the storage is equal to SurfOpaqInsFaceCond

Based on your suggestion

Line 5042 if (surface.ExtBoundCond > 0 && surface.ExtBoundCond != SurfNum) continue; Line 5057 (calculated) state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqOutFaceCond(SurfNum) = surface.Area * state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqOutFaceCondFlux(SurfNum); Line 5902 state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqStorageCond(surfNum) = -(state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqInsFaceCond(surfNum) + state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqOutFaceCond(surfNum));

if SurfOpaqOutFaceCond is calculated, the storage value is 0.

Here are two plots to show SurfOpaqOutFaceCond and SurfOpaqStorageCond from develop and the revision.

Develop Revision

The difference is a report issue. The item should be reported either storage or outside face conduction. I think since the outside face BC is adiabatic, storage report may be appropriate. Please let me know what you think.