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Pump power higher but net power remains the same? #167

Closed softwareengineerprogrammer closed 2 months ago

softwareengineerprogrammer commented 3 months ago

Per user:

The pump horsepower for a 250 Deg C reservoir is higher in Geophires X than Geophires 2 (it is zero for 6 years in Geophires 2)

Which is correct?

Despite this, the average net power for Geophires X is more (12.75 MWe vs 12.12 MWe).

  1. [X] TODO for @softwareengineerprogrammer: include input files from user email in issue

Attached output files from user:


                               ***CASE REPORT***

                           ***SUMMARY OF RESULTS***

      End-Use Option = Electricity
      Average Net Electricity Production (MWe)               11.72
      Electricity breakeven price (cents/kWh)                12.61
      Number of production wells                              2
      Number of injection wells                               2
      Flowrate per production well (kg/s)                    50.0
      Well depth (m)                                       6400.0
      Geothermal gradient (deg.C/km)                         41.0

                           ***ECONOMIC PARAMETERS***

      Economic Model  = BICYCLE Model
      Accrued financing during construction (%)               5.00
      Project lifetime (years)                               25
      Capacity factor (%)                                    95.0

                          ***ENGINEERING PARAMETERS***

      Well depth (m)                                       6400.0
      Water loss rate (%)                                     5.0
      Pump efficiency (%)                                    80.0
      Injection temperature (deg.C)                          50.0
      Production Wellbore heat transmission calculated with Ramey's model
      Average production well temperature drop (deg.C)        7.8
      Flowrate per production well (kg/s)                    50.0
      Injection well casing ID (inches)                       9.000
      Produciton well casing ID (inches)                      9.000
      Number of times redrilling                              0
      Power plant type                                        Subcritical ORC

                         ***RESOURCE CHARACTERISTICS***

      Maximum reservoir temperature (deg.C)                 400.0
      Number of segments                                      1
      Geothermal gradient (deg.C/km)                         41.0

                           ***RESERVOIR PARAMETERS***

      Reservoir Model = Multiple Parallel Fractures Model
      Bottom-hole temperature (deg.C)                       271.40
      Fracture model = circular fracture with known diameter
      Well seperation = fracture diameter (m)               400.00
      Fracture area (m^2)                                125664
      Reservoir volume calculated with fracture separation and number of fractures as input
      Number of fractures                                    20.00
      Fracture separation (m)                               200.00
      Reservoir volume (m^3)                          477522083
      Reservoir hydrostatic pressure (kPa)                57800.24
      Plant outlet pressure (kPa)                          5960.82
      Production wellhead pressure (kPa)                   6029.77
      Productivity Index (kg/s/bar)                           5.00
      Injectivity Index (kg/s/bar)                            5.00
      Reservoir density (kg/m^3)                           2594.00
      Reservoir thermal conductivity (W/m/K)                  2.60
      Reservoir heat capacity (J/kg/K)                      774.00

                          ***CAPITAL COSTS (M$)***

      Drilling and completion costs                          70.85
      Drilling and completion costs per well                 17.71
      Stimulation costs                                       3.02
      Surface power plant costs                              50.35
      Field gathering system costs                            2.90
      Total surface equipment costs                          53.25
      Exploration costs                                      14.32
      Total capital costs                                   141.44

                ***OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (M$/yr)***

      Wellfield maintenance costs                             1.13
      Power plant maintenance costs                           1.94
      Water costs                                             0.14
      Total operating and maintenance costs                   3.21

                           ***POWER GENERATION RESULTS***

      Initial geofluid availability (MWe/(kg/s)               0.30
      Initial net power generation (MWe)                     18.36
      Average net power generation (MWe)                     11.72
      Initial pumping power/net installed power (%)           0.00
      Average Annual Net Electricity Generation (GWh/yr)     97.53
      Average injection well pump pressure drop (kPa)          -8364.8
      Average production well pump pressure drop (kPa)          1578.4

                                        *  POWER GENERATION PROFILE  *
  YEAR            THERMAL                    GEOFLUID                    PUMP                    NET                    FIRST LAW
                  DRAWDOWN                  TEMPERATURE                  POWER                  POWER                   EFFICIENCY
                                              (deg C)                    (MWe)                  (MWe)                       (%)
   0                1.0000                     253.58                    0.0000                18.3584                    20.9310
   1                1.0141                     257.15                    0.0000                19.1683                    21.4782
   2                1.0161                     257.68                    0.0000                19.2902                    21.5599
   3                1.0095                     255.98                    0.0000                18.9013                    21.2987
   4                0.9958                     252.51                    0.0000                18.1202                    20.7686
   5                0.9782                     248.06                    0.0000                17.1509                    20.1000
   6                0.9590                     243.19                    0.0000                16.1339                    19.3845
   7                0.9395                     238.24                    0.0000                15.1439                    18.6732
   8                0.9204                     233.40                    0.0399                14.1753                    17.9407
   9                0.9020                     228.74                    0.1105                13.2495                    17.2059
  10                0.8846                     224.31                    0.1751                12.4048                    16.5184
  11                0.8680                     220.12                    0.2339                11.6371                    15.8778
  12                0.8525                     216.17                    0.2875                10.9402                    15.2818
  13                0.8378                     212.44                    0.3363                10.3071                    14.7274
  14                0.8239                     208.94                    0.3809                 9.7311                    14.2111
  15                0.8109                     205.63                    0.4218                 9.2059                    13.7296
  16                0.7986                     202.51                    0.4594                 8.7257                    13.2796
  17                0.7870                     199.57                    0.4939                 8.2857                    12.8583
  18                0.7760                     196.78                    0.5259                 7.8814                    12.4630
  19                0.7656                     194.14                    0.5555                 7.5089                    12.0913
  20                0.7557                     191.64                    0.5829                 7.1647                    11.7411
  21                0.7464                     189.26                    0.6085                 6.8461                    11.4104
  22                0.7374                     187.00                    0.6323                 6.5502                    11.0976
  23                0.7289                     184.85                    0.6546                 6.2750                    10.8012
  24                0.7208                     182.79                    0.6755                 6.0184                    10.5198
  25                0.7131                     180.83                    0.6951                 5.7786                    10.2522

  YEAR             ELECTRICITY                   HEAT                RESERVOIR            PERCENTAGE OF
                    PROVIDED                   EXTRACTED            HEAT CONTENT        TOTAL HEAT MINED
                   (GWh/year)                  (GWh/year)            (10^15 J)                 (%)
   1                 156.5                       737.0                209.61                   1.25
   2                 160.4                       744.3                206.93                   2.51
   3                 159.2                       742.2                204.26                   3.77
   4                 154.2                       732.7                201.62                   5.01
   5                 146.8                       718.3                199.04                   6.23
   6                 138.5                       701.4                196.51                   7.42
   7                 130.1                       683.8                194.05                   8.58
   8                 122.0                       666.2                191.65                   9.71
   9                 114.1                       649.1                189.32                  10.81
  10                 106.7                       632.8                187.04                  11.89
  11                 100.0                       617.4                184.82                  12.93
  12                  93.9                       602.8                182.65                  13.95
  13                  88.4                       589.0                180.53                  14.95
  14                  83.3                       576.1                178.45                  15.93
  15                  78.8                       563.9                176.42                  16.89
  16                  74.6                       552.4                174.43                  17.82
  17                  70.8                       541.5                172.48                  18.74
  18                  67.2                       531.2                170.57                  19.64
  19                  64.0                       521.5                168.69                  20.53
  20                  61.0                       512.3                166.85                  21.40
  21                  58.3                       503.5                165.04                  22.25
  22                  55.7                       495.2                163.25                  23.09
  23                  53.4                       487.3                161.50                  23.92
  24                  51.1                       479.8                159.77                  24.73
  25                  49.1                       472.6                158.07                  25.53


                               ***CASE REPORT***

Simulation Metadata
 GEOPHIRES Version: 3.4.22
 GEOPHIRES Build Date: 2024-03-05
 Simulation Date: 2024-03-22
 Simulation Time:  20:37
 Calculation Time:      2.089 sec

                           ***SUMMARY OF RESULTS***

      End-Use Option: Electricity
      Average Net Electricity Production:                    12.75 MW
      Electricity breakeven price:                           12.70 cents/kWh
      Number of production wells:                             2
      Number of injection wells:                              2
      Flowrate per production well:                          57.0 kg/sec
      Well depth (or total length, if not vertical):          6.4 kilometer
      Geothermal gradient:                                    0.0410 degC/m

                           ***ECONOMIC PARAMETERS***

      Economic Model  = BICYCLE
      Accrued financing during construction:                  5.00 
      Project lifetime:                                      25 yr
      Capacity factor:                                       95.0 %
      Project NPV:                                        -112.83 MUSD
      Project IRR:                                         -10.13 %
      Project VIR=PI=PIR:                                    0.26
      Project MOIC:                                         -0.39
      Project Payback Period:                          N/A

                          ***ENGINEERING PARAMETERS***

      Number of Production Wells:                             2
      Number of Injection Wells:                              2
      Well depth (or total length, if not vertical):          6.4 kilometer
      Water loss rate:                                        5.0 
      Pump efficiency:                                       80.0 
      Injection temperature:                                 50.0 degC
      Production Wellbore heat transmission calculated with Ramey's model
      Average production well temperature drop:               7.0 degC
      Flowrate per production well:                          57.0 kg/sec
      Injection well casing ID:                               9.000 in
      Production well casing ID:                              9.000 in
      Number of times redrilling:                             0
      Power plant type:                                       Supercritical ORC

                         ***RESOURCE CHARACTERISTICS***

      Maximum reservoir temperature:                        400.0 degC
      Number of segments:                                     1 
      Geothermal gradient:                                    0.0410 degC/m

                           ***RESERVOIR PARAMETERS***

      Reservoir Model = Multiple Parallel Fractures Model
      Bottom-hole temperature:                              271.40 degC
      Fracture model = Circular fracture with known diameter
      Well seperation: fracture diameter:                   400.00 meter
      Fracture area:                                     125663.71 m**2
      Reservoir volume calculated with fracture separation and number of fractures as input
      Number of fractures:                                   20.00
      Fracture separation:                                  200.00 meter
      Reservoir volume:                               477522083 m**3
      Reservoir hydrostatic pressure:                     62154.78 kPa
      Plant outlet pressure:                               5900.25 kPa
      Production wellhead pressure:                        5969.20 kPa
      Productivity Index:                                     5.00 kg/sec/bar
      Injectivity Index:                                      5.00 kg/sec/bar
      Reservoir density:                                   2594.00 kg/m**3
      Reservoir thermal conductivity:                         2.60 W/m/K
      Reservoir heat capacity:                              774.00 J/kg/K

                           ***RESERVOIR SIMULATION RESULTS***

      Maximum Production Temperature:                       258.3 degC
      Average Production Temperature:                       214.2 degC
      Minimum Production Temperature:                       175.8 degC
      Initial Production Temperature:                       254.5 degC
      Average Reservoir Heat Extraction:                     74.66 MW
      Production Wellbore Heat Transmission Model = Ramey Model
      Average Production Well Temperature Drop:               7.0 degC
      Average Injection Well Pump Pressure Drop:          -7906.2 kPa
      Average Production Well Pump Pressure Drop:          4160.5 kPa

                          ***CAPITAL COSTS (M$)***

         Drilling and completion costs:                      70.85 MUSD
         Drilling and completion costs per well:             17.71 MUSD
         Stimulation costs:                                   3.02 MUSD
         Surface power plant costs:                          61.69 MUSD
         Field gathering system costs:                        2.66 MUSD
         Total surface equipment costs:                      64.34 MUSD
         Exploration costs:                                  14.32 MUSD
      Total capital costs:                                  152.53 MUSD

                ***OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (M$/yr)***

         Wellfield maintenance costs:                         1.13 MUSD/yr
         Power plant maintenance costs:                       2.12 MUSD/yr
         Water costs:                                         0.16 MUSD/yr
      Total operating and maintenance costs:                  3.41 MUSD/yr

                           ***SURFACE EQUIPMENT SIMULATION RESULTS***

      Initial geofluid availability:                          0.31 MW/(kg/s)
      Maximum Total Electricity Generation:                  19.57 MW
      Average Total Electricity Generation:                  13.38 MW
      Minimum Total Electricity Generation:                   8.14 MW
      Initial Total Electricity Generation:                  19.06 MW
      Maximum Net Electricity Generation:                    19.32 MW
      Average Net Electricity Generation:                    12.75 MW
      Minimum Net Electricity Generation:                     7.22 MW
      Initial Net Electricity Generation:                    18.79 MW
      Average Annual Total Electricity Generation:          110.58 GWh
      Average Annual Net Electricity Generation:            105.39 GWh
      Initial pumping power/net installed power:              1.40 %
      Average Pumping Power:                                  0.63 MW

  YEAR       THERMAL               GEOFLUID               PUMP               NET               FIRST LAW
             DRAWDOWN             TEMPERATURE             POWER             POWER              EFFICIENCY
                                     (degC)               (MW)              (MW)                  (%)
   1           1.0000                254.49               0.2639           18.7947               20.2152
   2           1.0133                257.87               0.2567           19.2621               20.3809
   3           1.0138                257.99               0.2625           19.2722               20.3800
   4           1.0035                255.38               0.2901           18.8898               20.2298
   5           0.9859                250.90               0.3328           18.2299               19.9584
   6           0.9649                245.56               0.3815           17.4345               19.6080
   7           0.9430                239.99               0.4307           16.5945               19.2105
   8           0.9215                234.50               0.4779           15.7602               18.7879
   9           0.9008                229.23               0.5220           14.9576               18.3551
  10           0.8812                224.25               0.5628           14.1987               17.9218
  11           0.8628                219.58               0.6002           13.4881               17.4945
  12           0.8456                215.20               0.6346           12.8263               17.0768
  13           0.8295                211.11               0.6662           12.2114               16.6714
  14           0.8145                207.28               0.6952           11.6408               16.2793
  15           0.8004                203.69               0.7220           11.1112               15.9012
  16           0.7872                200.33               0.7467           10.6194               15.5371
  17           0.7748                197.17               0.7696           10.1620               15.1870
  18           0.7631                194.20               0.7909            9.7362               14.8504
  19           0.7521                191.40               0.8107            9.3391               14.5269
  20           0.7417                188.76               0.8292            8.9682               14.2158
  21           0.7319                186.25               0.8465            8.6213               13.9166
  22           0.7226                183.89               0.8627            8.2961               13.6287
  23           0.7137                181.64               0.8779            7.9909               13.3516
  24           0.7053                179.50               0.8923            7.7039               13.0846
  25           0.6973                177.46               0.9058            7.4337               12.8273

  YEAR             ELECTRICITY                   HEAT                RESERVOIR            PERCENTAGE OF
                    PROVIDED                   EXTRACTED            HEAT CONTENT        TOTAL HEAT MINED
                   (GWh/year)                  (GWh/year)            (10^15 J)                 (%)
   1                 158.6                       780.8                209.46                   1.32
   2                 160.6                       787.6                206.62                   2.66
   3                 159.0                       782.8                203.80                   3.99
   4                 154.6                       769.0                201.03                   5.29
   5                 148.5                       750.2                198.33                   6.56
   6                 141.6                       729.4                195.71                   7.80
   7                 134.6                       708.4                193.16                   9.00
   8                 127.8                       688.0                190.68                  10.17
   9                 121.3                       668.6                188.27                  11.30
  10                 115.2                       650.4                185.93                  12.41
  11                 109.5                       633.3                183.65                  13.48
  12                 104.2                       617.2                181.43                  14.53
  13                  99.2                       602.2                179.26                  15.55
  14                  94.6                       588.2                177.14                  16.55
  15                  90.4                       575.1                175.07                  17.52
  16                  86.4                       562.8                173.05                  18.48
  17                  82.8                       551.2                171.06                  19.41
  18                  79.4                       540.3                169.12                  20.33
  19                  76.2                       530.0                167.21                  21.23
  20                  73.2                       520.2                165.34                  22.11
  21                  70.4                       511.0                163.50                  22.98
  22                  67.8                       502.3                161.69                  23.83
  23                  65.3                       494.0                159.91                  24.66
  24                  63.0                       486.1                158.16                  25.49
  25                  50.8                       399.3                156.72                  26.17

                             *  REVENUE & CASHFLOW PROFILE  *
Year            Electricity             |            Heat                  |           Cooling                 |         Carbon                    |          Project
Since     Price   Ann. Rev.  Cumm. Rev. |   Price   Ann. Rev.   Cumm. Rev. |  Price   Ann. Rev.   Cumm. Rev.   |   Price   Ann. Rev.   Cumm. Rev.  | OPEX    Net Rev.      Net Cashflow
Start    (cents/kWh)(MUSD/yr) (MUSD)    |(cents/kWh) (MUSD/yr)    (MUSD)   |(cents/kWh) (MUSD/yr)    (MUSD)    |(USD/tonne) (MUSD/yr)    (MUSD)    |(MUSD/yr) (MUSD/yr)    (MUSD)
  1      5.50          -152.53   0.00     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  0.00     -152.53     -152.53
  2      5.50           5.31   8.72     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      5.31     -147.22
  3      5.50           5.42  17.56     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      5.42     -141.80
  4      5.50           5.34  26.30     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      5.34     -136.46
  5      5.50           5.09  34.80     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      5.09     -131.37
  6      5.50           4.75  42.97     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      4.75     -126.62
  7      5.50           4.38  50.76     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      4.38     -122.24
  8      5.50           3.99  58.16     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      3.99     -118.25
  9      5.50           3.62  65.19     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      3.62     -114.63
 10      5.50           3.26  71.86     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      3.26     -111.37
 11      5.50           2.92  78.19     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      2.92     -108.45
 12      5.50           2.61  84.22     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      2.61     -105.84
 13      5.50           2.32  89.94     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      2.32     -103.52
 14      5.50           2.05  95.40     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      2.05     -101.47
 15      5.50           1.79  100.61     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      1.79     -99.68
 16      5.50           1.56  105.58     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      1.56     -98.12
 17      5.50           1.34  110.33     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      1.34     -96.77
 18      5.50           1.14  114.89     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      1.14     -95.63
 19      5.50           0.95  119.25     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.95     -94.68
 20      5.50           0.78  123.44     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.78     -93.90
 21      5.50           0.61  127.46     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.61     -93.29
 22      5.50           0.46  131.33     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.46     -92.83
 23      5.50           0.32  135.06     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.32     -92.51
 24      5.50           0.18  138.65     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.18     -92.33
 25      5.50           0.05  142.12     |    2.50     0.00         0.00    |    2.50     0.00         0.00     |    0.00     0.00         0.00     |  3.41      0.05     -92.28


                               ***CASE REPORT***

                           ***SUMMARY OF RESULTS***

      End-Use Option = Electricity
      Average Net Electricity Production (MWe)               12.12
      Electricity breakeven price (cents/kWh)                12.77
      Number of production wells                              2
      Number of injection wells                               2
      Flowrate per production well (kg/s)                    57.0
      Well depth (m)                                       6400.0
      Geothermal gradient (deg.C/km)                         41.0

                           ***ECONOMIC PARAMETERS***

      Economic Model  = BICYCLE Model
      Accrued financing during construction (%)               5.00
      Project lifetime (years)                               25
      Capacity factor (%)                                    95.0

                          ***ENGINEERING PARAMETERS***

      Well depth (m)                                       6400.0
      Water loss rate (%)                                     5.0
      Pump efficiency (%)                                    80.0
      Injection temperature (deg.C)                          50.0
      Production Wellbore heat transmission calculated with Ramey's model
      Average production well temperature drop (deg.C)        6.0
      Flowrate per production well (kg/s)                    57.0
      Injection well casing ID (inches)                       9.000
      Produciton well casing ID (inches)                      9.000
      Number of times redrilling                              0
      Power plant type                                        Supercritical ORC

                         ***RESOURCE CHARACTERISTICS***

      Maximum reservoir temperature (deg.C)                 400.0
      Number of segments                                      1
      Geothermal gradient (deg.C/km)                         41.0

                           ***RESERVOIR PARAMETERS***

      Reservoir Model = Multiple Parallel Fractures Model
      Bottom-hole temperature (deg.C)                       271.40
      Fracture model = circular fracture with known diameter
      Well seperation = fracture diameter (m)               400.00
      Fracture area (m^2)                                125664
      Reservoir volume calculated with fracture separation and number of fractures as input
      Number of fractures                                    20.00
      Fracture separation (m)                               200.00
      Reservoir volume (m^3)                          477522083
      Reservoir hydrostatic pressure (kPa)                57800.24
      Plant outlet pressure (kPa)                          5960.82
      Production wellhead pressure (kPa)                   6029.77
      Productivity Index (kg/s/bar)                           5.00
      Injectivity Index (kg/s/bar)                            5.00
      Reservoir density (kg/m^3)                           2594.00
      Reservoir thermal conductivity (W/m/K)                  2.60
      Reservoir heat capacity (J/kg/K)                      774.00

                          ***CAPITAL COSTS (M$)***

      Drilling and completion costs                          70.85
      Drilling and completion costs per well                 17.71
      Stimulation costs                                       3.02
      Surface power plant costs                              56.30
      Field gathering system costs                            3.11
      Total surface equipment costs                          59.41
      Exploration costs                                      14.32
      Total capital costs                                   147.61

                ***OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (M$/yr)***

      Wellfield maintenance costs                             1.14
      Power plant maintenance costs                           2.04
      Water costs                                             0.16
      Total operating and maintenance costs                   3.34

                           ***POWER GENERATION RESULTS***

      Initial geofluid availability (MWe/(kg/s)               0.31
      Initial net power generation (MWe)                     19.22
      Average net power generation (MWe)                     12.12
      Initial pumping power/net installed power (%)           0.00
      Average Annual Net Electricity Generation (GWh/yr)    100.86
      Average injection well pump pressure drop (kPa)          -8100.9
      Average production well pump pressure drop (kPa)          2698.3

                                        *  POWER GENERATION PROFILE  *
  YEAR            THERMAL                    GEOFLUID                    PUMP                    NET                    FIRST LAW
                  DRAWDOWN                  TEMPERATURE                  POWER                  POWER                   EFFICIENCY
                                              (deg C)                    (MWe)                  (MWe)                       (%)
   0                1.0000                     255.68                    0.0000                19.2213                    19.0275
   1                1.0122                     258.81                    0.0000                19.6451                    19.1556
   2                1.0096                     258.13                    0.0000                19.5536                    19.1286
   3                0.9936                     254.05                    0.0000                18.9984                    18.9569
   4                0.9706                     248.16                    0.0000                18.1808                    18.6805
   5                0.9453                     241.69                    0.0000                17.2674                    18.3404
   6                0.9201                     235.26                    0.0719                16.2758                    17.8872
   7                0.8962                     229.13                    0.1766                15.2883                    17.3771
   8                0.8737                     223.39                    0.2697                14.3676                    16.8712
   9                0.8529                     218.06                    0.3522                13.5189                    16.3779
  10                0.8336                     213.13                    0.4253                12.7405                    15.9015
  11                0.8157                     208.57                    0.4903                12.0280                    15.4442
  12                0.7992                     204.34                    0.5484                11.3759                    15.0068
  13                0.7839                     200.42                    0.6005                10.7783                    14.5892
  14                0.7696                     196.77                    0.6475                10.2299                    14.1909
  15                0.7563                     193.37                    0.6900                 9.7254                    13.8111
  16                0.7439                     190.20                    0.7287                 9.2605                    13.4487
  17                0.7323                     187.22                    0.7640                 8.8309                    13.1030
  18                0.7213                     184.43                    0.7963                 8.4331                    12.7727
  19                0.7110                     181.80                    0.8261                 8.0639                    12.4570
  20                0.7014                     179.32                    0.8536                 7.7204                    12.1550
  21                0.6922                     176.98                    0.8791                 7.4002                    11.8656
  22                0.6835                     174.77                    0.9027                 7.1010                    11.5882
  23                0.6753                     172.66                    0.9247                 6.8210                    11.3220
  24                0.6675                     170.67                    0.9453                 6.5584                    11.0662
  25                0.6601                     168.77                    0.9645                 6.3117                    10.8202

  YEAR             ELECTRICITY                   HEAT                RESERVOIR            PERCENTAGE OF
                    PROVIDED                   EXTRACTED            HEAT CONTENT        TOTAL HEAT MINED
                   (GWh/year)                  (GWh/year)            (10^15 J)                 (%)
   1                 161.9                       847.8                209.21                   1.44
   2                 163.5                       853.3                206.14                   2.89
   3                 160.7                       843.2                203.11                   4.32
   4                 154.8                       822.3                200.15                   5.71
   5                 147.5                       796.8                197.28                   7.06
   6                 139.7                       770.3                194.50                   8.37
   7                 131.3                       744.6                191.82                   9.63
   8                 123.4                       720.3                189.23                  10.85
   9                 116.0                       697.7                186.72                  12.04
  10                 109.2                       676.7                184.28                  13.18
  11                 103.0                       657.3                181.92                  14.30
  12                  97.3                       639.4                179.62                  15.38
  13                  92.1                       622.7                177.37                  16.44
  14                  87.4                       607.3                175.19                  17.47
  15                  83.0                       592.9                173.05                  18.47
  16                  79.0                       579.5                170.97                  19.46
  17                  75.3                       566.9                168.93                  20.42
  18                  71.8                       555.1                166.93                  21.36
  19                  68.6                       544.0                164.97                  22.28
  20                  65.7                       533.6                163.05                  23.19
  21                  62.9                       523.8                161.16                  24.08
  22                  60.3                       514.4                159.31                  24.95
  23                  57.9                       505.6                157.49                  25.81
  24                  55.7                       497.3                155.70                  26.65
  25                  53.5                       489.3                153.94                  27.48
softwareengineerprogrammer commented 3 months ago

Regarding higher pumping power: Hydrostatic pressure is now calculated using water density calculated with pressure instead of just vapor quality:;

This results in increased calculated hydrostatic pressure values which in turn increases required pumping power:

@kfbeckers or @malcolm-dsider can you weigh in on whether net power is expected to remain the same despite increased pumping power? I can look into the actual net power calculation when I have time, but perhaps you may know whether this is an expected result or not offhand.

malcolm-dsider commented 3 months ago

I’ll let Koenraad decide on this one, but my understanding is that the model assumes that the net power is equal to the gross power minus the pumping power, so if pumping power requirements go up, the net should go down. If that is true, and it is not working that way, I am happy to go hunting for the reason. Just ask.

While we are looking at pressure and pumping, I should also point out that perhaps we should be looking at improving how the pressures are handled in order to account for overpressure systems… The DOE just announced $8B new money (yes, that is the word that starts with a B!) for new renewable energy projects in Texas and Louisiana, so the interest in doing geothermal in the overpressure belts of TX and LA is going to go WAY up, as they are among the most prospective targets in the region. As far as I know, GEOPHIRES doesn’t address overpressure. If that is true, I suggest we add something that does. The net effect of overpressure is to make production pumping easier (or zero) while increasing the pumping effort required for injection (this assumes you are injecting back into the source formation – we also might want to figure out how to account for injecting into a different (shallower, lower-pressure) formation). The other characteristic of overpressure I think we should try to account for is pressure depletion – as you allow the overpressure to lift your brine to the surface, it eventually depletes, and you have to start pumping.

My approach to this would be to add two new parameters to the code. The first one contains the percent of pressure at which the initial overpressure starts that is above and beyond what would be normally expected if the formation was not overpressured – “Initial overpressure is 30% than expected lithostatic/hydrostatic pressure.” The second new parameter would capture the rate of depletion – “overpressure depletes at 10% per year.” The algorithm can figure out at what point the overpressure drops to the point that the flow rate from the formation is less than the desired flow rate, and it can start adding in production pumping from that point in an ever-increasing amount until it gets to the pumping power you would expect if there never was overpressure (i.e., full depletion). The injection side story is the opposite – we need to calculate how much additional pumping is needed to overcome the overpressure, but then that number goes down as the overpressure depletes.

In the end, I don’t think this is going to make that big a difference – the uplift you get from the overpressure is going to be close to the increased pumping required to do the injection, but pumping down is always easier than pumping up, so there will be some difference… and in any case, I think our users want to be able to point to evidence in the output from GEOPHIRES that shows it is at least accounting for overpressure, even if the impact turns out to be relatively small.

If everyone agrees that this work is worthy and that I have the right approach, I’ll put it on my to-do list.


From: Jonathan Pezzino @.> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2024 11:26 AM To: NREL/GEOPHIRES-X @.> Cc: Malcolm Ross @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [NREL/GEOPHIRES-X] Pump power higher but net power remains the same? (Issue #167)

Regarding higher pumping power: Hydrostatic pressure is now calculated using water density calculated with pressure instead of just vapor quality (; This results in increased calculated hydrostatic pressure values which in turn increases required pumping power (

@kfbeckers or @malcolm-dsider can you weigh in on whether net power is expected to remain the same despite increased pumping power? I can look into the actual net power calculation when I have time, but perhaps you may know whether this is an expected result or not offhand.

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softwareengineerprogrammer commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your answer @malcolm-dsider!

  1. Re: "I am happy to go hunting for the reason. Just ask." If you're willing and able to volunteer for this I say "Yes please!" - thank you!. (It's unclear to me exactly what/if @kfbeckers needs to weigh in on here but I'll assume you two can/will engage as needed)
  2. Moved overpressure topic to separate discussion:
malcolm-dsider commented 3 months ago

The power that is generated is slightly more because the predicted temperatures produced by the reservoir in GEOPHIRES-X are slightly higher. Why there is that slight difference is not yet clear to me, but it would be useful to have the user's input file so I can trace where that slight difference is coming from in the Reservoir model. Do we have it or can we get it?

malcolm-dsider commented 3 months ago

Without the user's input file, and can't trace the issue for sure, but I am 90% sure that the net power is slightly higher because in GEOPHIRES-X, we have switched to using CoolProps to more accurately calculate the working fluid (water) density, viscosity, vapor pressure, entropy, and enthalpy as a function of the reservoir conditions over time. Previously, these values were calculated with a simple correlation function or a constant. In this case, the net effect of these better fluid characterizations seems to be a slightly higher net power. Thos change to CoolProps also improved our calculation of pumping power, thus accounting for the more substantial changes in the pumping power.

softwareengineerprogrammer commented 3 months ago

Thanks @malcolm-dsider! I requested input files from the user, although it sounds like we have a pretty good working theory at this point.