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Validation on data input #65

Open rmroot opened 2 months ago

rmroot commented 2 months ago

Each of the data input forms should have validation hooked up to it. That would most likely entail converting the forms from template driven forms to reactive forms using Angular's form builder. Using services to build the forms will allow validation checks throughout the application and better messaging for the user on missing or invalid data.

Best approach will probably be to break down the PR's work by type:

rmroot commented 4 weeks ago

I started the groundwork for converting the contacts form from a template driven form to a reactive form. I've added the service that can be re-used for contact validation. Going to handoff to @RLiNREL for him to run with as a first issue. Work was done on branch: issue-65

We will probably want to convert this issue to an epic and create separate issues for each form that needs to be done. We can discuss.

Some additional notes on the changes I made: