NREL / OpenStudio

OpenStudio is a cross-platform collection of software tools to support whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance.
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Diagnostic script does not remove orphan surfaces #1560

Closed macumber closed 4 years ago

macumber commented 9 years ago

macumber commented 9 years ago

Might also want to consider windows with area larger than base surface?

DavidGoldwasser commented 9 years ago

@macumber the user script doesn't currently attempt to do this.

It only checks for very small surfaces, or for more than one surface with the same geometry (or more than one sub-surface with the same geometry). Is the error triggered in the plugin on opening a model using an OpenStudio method? If so the we should be able to add it. There are many things we should add, but I already started a measure to remove orphan and un-used objects.

I was hoping that this measure (with some user options) or a collection of measures would take the place of the diagnostic script. Loosely related to this would be a pre-flight measure to check for things we know will make simulation fail.

tijcolem commented 4 years ago

This issue has been moved to the OpenStudio Sketchup Repository -