NREL / OpenStudio

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Add native support for measure argument methods in OsLib_HelperMethods #4993

Closed mdahlhausen closed 4 months ago

mdahlhausen commented 11 months ago

Enhancement Request

There are several methods in OsLib_HelperMethods in the extension gem that should be native to the Measure or Measure::OSArgument objects in OpenStudio.

Detailed Description

These are the specific methods that could be implemented in OpenStudio:

- check_upstream_measure_for_arg(runner, arg_name)
- checkChoiceArgFromModelObjects(object, variableName, to_ObjectType, runner, user_arguments)
- checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments(runner, user_arguments, arg_check_hash)
- checkOptionalChoiceArgFromModelObjects(object, variableName, to_ObjectType, runner, user_arguments)
- createRunVariables(runner, model, user_arguments, arguments)
- populateChoiceArgFromModelObjects(model, modelObject_args_hash, includeBuilding)

Possible Implementation

To be clear, I DO NOT think these methods should be adopted as is. Some are already partially or mostly addressed (checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments with #4551). @DavidGoldwasser - can you analyze which methods should live in OpenStudio, and which are best left to code in the measure, then comment below? @eringold may have thoughts as well.

joseph-robertson commented 7 months ago

Another method:

- getAbsoluteAzimuthForSurface(surface, model)


DavidGoldwasser commented 7 months ago

Methods to move to C++ OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables is called

OsLib_HelperMethods.checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments(this should be rolled into createRunVariables) is called here

OsLib_HelperMethods.populateChoiceArgFromModelObjects (this should be rolled into createRunVariables) is called here

OsLib_HelperMethods.checkChoiceArgFromModelObjects (this should be rolled into createRunVariables) is called here

OsLib_HelperMethods.checkOptionalChoiceArgFromModelObjects (this should be rolled into createRunVariables) is called here

OsLib_HelperMethods.check_upstream_measure_for_arg is called

joseph-robertson commented 5 months ago

Perhaps we could create an overloaded runner.validateUserArguments(script_arguments, user_arguments, model) method (note the model is new) that checks, for any user argument that has a handle (i.e., a UUID), whether that handle exists in model.

Would this cover some of the functionality of the OsLib_HelperMethods.checkXXX methods above?

jmarrec commented 5 months ago

populateChoiceArgFromModelObjects. How about we do it this way:

static OSArgument makeChoiceArgument(
   const std::string& name,
   const std::map<std::string, std::string>& choices_to_display_values_map,
   bool required = true,  bool modelDependent = false);

That way you could do something like

choices_to_display_values_map = (
       .map{|c| [c.handle.to_s, c.nameString]}.to_h
choices_to_display_values_map[model.getBuilding.handle.to_s] = "*All Interior Partition Surfaces*"
object = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('object', choices_to_display_values_map, true, true)

I think it's way more flexible that way.