To calculate the reserve margin on a country or state level, which files (input/output) need to be considered for the data? The files that are close are mentioned along with each line item, please confirm the source
CF (capacity factors, ELCC, technology-wise, year on year) - cfout
Peak demand - peakall
Existing and added capacity - cap_new_ann, cap, cap_firm, cap_firm_iter (not sure which to consider)
Any file/source that can give a better picture like which input files and output files have what kind of information would be super helpful.
Would you mind moving this question to the discussions page ( We would like to keep questions and discussion about model use separate from issues.
To calculate the reserve margin on a country or state level, which files (input/output) need to be considered for the data? The files that are close are mentioned along with each line item, please confirm the source
Any file/source that can give a better picture like which input files and output files have what kind of information would be super helpful.