NREL / ReEDS-2.0
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installation #169

Open glarange opened 8 months ago

glarange commented 8 months ago

Description of Issue

(base) C:\Users\glara\Documents\ReEDS-2.0>conda env create -f environment.yml
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed

  - julia[version='>=1.7']

Potential Solutions

I do have Julia 1.8.5 installed.

wesleyjcole commented 8 months ago

Julia is only required for running ReEDS in conjunction with the PRAS model (for doing detailed resource adequacy calculations). We don't use PRAS by default, so unless you plan on using PRAS, you can comment out this line and things should proceed fine.

It's also possible that Julia 1.8.5 will work fine.

glarange commented 6 months ago

Hi Wesley,

Thanks. Commenting out Julia avoided that error.

How long does resolving the environment usually take, though? I'm getting the spinning '|' below for over 1/2 hour...

Regards, Gui


wesleyjcole commented 6 months ago

I've had some machines where the environment got set up fairly quickly, and others where it took several hours. So waiting might be your best option here. Fortunately you only have to do it once.

glarange commented 6 months ago

It worked, with some patience. Thanks!