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SOWFA outputting "scrambled" vtk files #81

Open kshaler opened 2 years ago

kshaler commented 2 years ago

SOWFA vtk output files are often used as the background wind inflow for FAST.Farm simulations. In past versions of SOWFA, these vtk output files were written in an ordered fashion, with a regular, predictable i,j,k pattern, making it straight-forward to use such files as FAST.Farm input. However, it seems that the latest version of SOWFA outputs "scrambled" vtk files in which there is a random order to the i,j,k pattern. Likely the past version of SOWFA waited until all processors were complete and wrote out all the data at once in an orderly fashion, whereas the new version simply writes out the processor information as it becomes available. There are post-processing steps that can be taken to fix this issue, but it involves using a single Ensight file to learn the i,j,k pattern and then reading in and rewriting each individual vtk file. While this works, it can be quite time-consuming and add an extra step to the process. This "unscrambling" must also be done to visualize the output vtk files, so this is likely an issue outside of the FAST.Farm community as well. Note that this is likely an issue with OpenFOAM itself, not a SOWFA-specific issue or due to any changes made on the SOWFA side.

Can provide sample files/scripts if needed.

CaiZhiming-HHU commented 2 years ago


Just as you said 'SOWFA vtk output files are often used as the background wind inflow for FAST.Farm simulations.' Both high-res domain and low-res domain are needed by FAST.Farm (Mod_AmbWind = 1). And I would like to ask how to sample the background wind inflow vtk files generated by SOWFA for FAST.Farm simulations?

Best regards,