NREL / Solar-for-Industry-Process-Heat

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Solar modeling handshakes #13

Closed calmc closed 4 years ago

calmc commented 4 years ago

Need to figure out how to combine the results of the solar modeling with the results of the demand side modeling to calculate the technical opportunities for each technology package. @calmc is still unclear what's happening within NREL for the solar modeling, but will be working with Parthiv to clarify.

Here's the current understanding (descriptions in progress):

Solar Thermal Technologies (NREL modeling):

  1. SAM is used to create the technology package and simulation. SAM passes solar technology technology specifications to reV as json files. -Inputs from demand-side: None? -Outputs for demand-side: ?
  2. The Renewable Energy Potential (reV) Model then takes the parameters for each technology package, simulates over all counties using available land area estimates and ?. -Inputs from demand-side: None? -Outputs for demand-side: Stored as h5 or csv by technology package. Example h5 on Box at Yield Generation/HPC runs/ is a PV generation output from reV running the Pvwattsv5 model using PySAM.

"PV +" Technologies (Steve modeling):

  1. Steve's model takes county solar resources (estimated at the centroid location), hourly heat load, and calculates size of PV array to meet specified load. -Inputs from demand-side: heat load by county -Outputs for demand side:
calmc commented 4 years ago

Keys in reV h5 file (these can be adjusted by the reV team based on our needs. This sample is for PV generation). Full descriptions of each of the four models being used (TroughPhysicalProcessHeat, Pvwattsv5, Swh, LinearFresnelDsgIph) can by found in PySAM documentation

Key Description Shape Questions
ac AC inverter power [W] (17520, 3106)
aoi Angle of incidence [deg] (17520, 3106)
cf_mean Mean capacity factor [%]? (3106, 1)
dc DC array power (W) (17520, 3106)
df Diffuse irradiance [W/m2] (17520, 3106)
dn Beam irradiance [W/m2] (17520, 3106)
gh Global horizontal irradiance [W/m2] (17520, 3106)
meta Metadata for U.S. counties. Includes lat, long, state, and county names. (3106, 12) ~Is FIPS included?~ FIPS is not included, but now using a table that matches to FIPS.
poa Plane of array irradiance [W/m2] (17520, 3106)
sunup Sun up over horizon [0/1] (Binary integer indication if sun is up) (17520, 3106)
tamb Ambient temperature [C] (17520, 3106)
tcell Temperature of PV cell? (17520, 3106)
time_index Time index, at 30-minute intervals (17520, 1) ~Possible for reV to output hourly instead?~ No need, have aggregated to hourly in post-processing of results.
tpoa Transmitted plane of array irradiance [W/m2] (17520, 3106)
wspd Wind speed [m/s] (17520, 3106)
calmc commented 4 years ago

Handshakes have been worked out. Solar generation postprocessing code was written (