NREL / Wattile

Deep Learning-based Forecasting of Building Energy Consumption
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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new name for our package #50

Closed JanghyunJK closed 2 years ago

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

Steve will bake a cake for the winner.

@anyaelena @stephen-frank @sakshi-mishra @buechler314 @lz356 @haneslinger @JanghyunJK

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago


quote from wiki:


stephen-frank commented 2 years ago

You are not limited to a single submission.

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago


An omen or prediction (from

Cons: at least 3 software or software-related companies apparently use this name

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago


"portent" n. indication, forewarning; a synonym of "augury" (from "portend" v. foreshadow, indicate (from

Cons: Kind of a negative connotation?

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago


n. indication; synonyms are "herald" or "omen" (from

Pros: Catchy!

Cons: even more negative connotation than portent. Not that that stopped the several companies using it as a product name. 😄

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago


noun or verb; another synonym of "omen", "portend", "forecast", etc. (from

Cons: Several companies using this name too

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago

eight ball

What does a magic eight ball do?

Pros: Catchy and funny

Cons: Not serious enough? Common knowledge that the magic eight ball is basically worthless as a forecasting instrument? "Magic 8-Ball" is trademarked so we definitely couldn't include the "Magic"...

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

this is pretty fun:

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago


"That cannot be decrypted."

u n d - deep learning e c r y p - probabilistic forecasting t - time series a b - building performance data l e

haneslinger commented 2 years ago

I'm just going to throw a bunch of ideas out there:

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago

I do like "Crystal Ball" but it might be overselling the accuracy a bit? I like "Red Sky" too but it feels perhaps too abstract? And there seem to be quite a few "Red Sky" software tools out there.

I thought of two more, one serious and one not really serious:

  1. Horizon (or Horizon AI): Evokes looking to the horizon to see into the distance as well as the time horizon used in the prediction
  2. Maud'Dib (or Maud'Dib AI): Yes, it's a Dune reference, ergo super nerdy. But it is kind of perfect, as "Maud'Dib" is both the constellation "The Mouse", known as "the one who points the way", and the Fremen name for Paul Atreides, who can of course predict the future. (This is my not as serious proposal, if you couldn't tell.) 🐭

EDIT: As is the way of the Internet, of course software named both these things already exists.

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago

Need some opinions from @anyaelena, @buechler314, and @lz356!

lz356 commented 2 years ago


I think it is self-explanatory

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

maybe once we get all opinions, we can do a poll.

anyaelena commented 2 years ago

i say we do a poll with only options that are available on PyPI. i guess i helped come up w/the "eight ball" suggestion below, but beyond that i have nothing catchy to contribute :/

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

waiting for your entry @buechler314 !! :boom: and @sakshi-mishra if you have any !! :mailbox_with_no_mail:

buechler314 commented 2 years ago

A few more ideas:

Trying to come up with more ridiculous ARPA-E style project acronyms but it is harder than I expected...

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

@anyaelena @stephen-frank @sakshi-mishra @haneslinger @lz356 @buechler314 @JanghyunJK

created a poll:

vote here: see results here:

Let me know if something is weird with the poll. First time trying this online poll site.

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

wow these people are good with acronyms


I think I heard @stephen-frank @haneslinger voted.

@buechler314 @lz356 @anyaelena let me know when you done voting !!

Will announce the winner if we have only one winner, but if we have ties then will do second round voting.

anyaelena commented 2 years ago

@JanghyunJK I'm getting this at the voting link: Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 9 06 36 AM

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

@anyaelena could you try again? not sure why but it was disabled so enabled again.

anyaelena commented 2 years ago

done and voted!

lz356 commented 2 years ago

I voted last week. Look forward to knowing the winner!

sakshi-mishra commented 2 years ago

Late to the party here! There are so many creative suggestions! I finished voting, looking forward to knowing the winner!

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

@haneslinger @lz356 @anyaelena @stephen-frank @sakshi-mishra @JanghyunJK @buechler314

the cake goes to.....


@buechler314 🥇 🍰 👍

at least @stephen-frank doesn't have to bake until Rob visits?!

everyone interested in the 2nd round for the two name winners?

haneslinger commented 2 years ago

great job rob!

Personally, I'm quite partial to Wattile and think it might be a poor choice to associate our project with squatters

I'd be happy to declare Wattile the winner 💡

buechler314 commented 2 years ago

I agree with Hannah!

JanghyunJK commented 2 years ago

we have a winner 🏆 and will discuss details (e.g., wattile or watt-tile) in the next group meeting when everyone is there.

stephen-frank commented 2 years ago

I will be out next week. I don't have a strong preference but throwing in WattTile as another option.