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Improve pairing of loaded and return rail vehicle type names #84

Open mbbruch opened 3 months ago

mbbruch commented 3 months ago

In rail vehicle .yamls and the resulting Rust objects, we're using the naming convention "_Loaded" and "_Empty". (Example: Intermodal_Loaded.yaml and Intermodal_Empty.yaml.

However, in the current version of default demand .csv files, we're using the naming convention of no suffix for loaded vehicles (e.g., "Intermodal") and "_Empty".

In the train planner, we generate return trips by appending "_Empty" to the train type labels from the demand .csv. This new _Empty value must match the name of one of the Rust rail vehicle objects.

We handle this ad-hoc in the train planner by cleaning up the string labels to match, but ideally we'd have something more standardized and robust. A couple options: