NREL / api-umbrella

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Saved analytics reports #16

Open GUI opened 10 years ago

GUI commented 10 years ago

In the analytics section, there should be a way to save off queries you have performed for viewing again at a later date. These reports should then be visible to your admin account for running the same queries again. This will help with performing the same kind of queries on a regular basis. An example might be that I want to only see the traffic for one of my specific APIs, excluding internal traffic, and maybe I only care about JSON requests. You can log in and filter down to that every month, but it would be much nicer (and less error prone) if there was an easy way to have a list of your available reports to perform.

We sort of have saved reports already - any query on the analytics page can be bookmarked or shared via the URL and you'll get back to the same view of the analytics. However, one issue with this is that the URL also contains a static date range, so if I was viewing the last 30 days on December 2 and bookmarked that URL, when I came back to that in January, I would still be seeing Nov 3 - Dec 2. This can also bite you if you're looking at analytics at midnight, since any queries you already performed will keep reflecting the previous date range after a refresh. This should be addressed as part of this issue, so the URLs are more intelligently based off the relative datepicker dates. For example, if I'm viewing "Last 30 days", that's what should be captured in the URL and that URL should always lead to the last 30 days of results, regardless of when I'm viewing the URL. The only time static dates should be present in the URL is if a custom range is explicitly picked from the date picker. Since I mainly use the custom range to get further back than a month, the date picker options should perhaps be extended to included other common relative date range (YTD, fiscal year, fiscal quarters, etc).

With the relative date issue fixed in the URLs, then bookmarks could essentially be used for saving reports. However, I think it would still be useful to have a way to save these inside the admin UI to formalize your saved reports and also share them with other admins. But I think this feature then becomes relatively straightforward since you're just assigning a name with a URL and saving it to the admin for display somewhere.

brylie commented 9 years ago

Possibly related: #62