NREL / api-umbrella

Open source API management platform
MIT License
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Manual install API Umbrella? #162

Open nntoan opened 8 years ago

nntoan commented 8 years ago


I'm wondering is there any way to manual install API Umbrella. I already have a webserver in my VPS and it's better for me if API Umbrella installed under a sub-domain, eg:


GUI commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay in response. If you want to install API Umbrella on a system already running other services, I would still recommend the package installation. Following installation, I think the only thing you'd need to adjust are the ports API Umbrella starts up on so they don't conflict with your existing server. These are configured via the http_port and https_port settings in your /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml file. You could then configure your primary web server to proxy to API Umbrella for only your endpoint. Does that make sense and work for you?

nntoan commented 8 years ago

Hello GUI,

I'm using ServerPilot service to managing my servers. And my web folder are located under /srv/users/xxx/apps/APPNAME/public

The public folder must contains the source code, so the question is:

Where is the API Umbrella source code to put inside that public folder?

GUI commented 8 years ago

It looks like ServerPilot only supports PHP and HTML pages. API Umbrella doesn't use PHP and is instead a combination of other server technologies (see components diagram). This means that I don't think it will be able to run on ServerPilot. Sorry I don't have better news for you if you were keen on using ServerPilot.

If you wanted to run API Umbrella on a separate linux server, you could route just the subdomain to that API Umbrella server via DNS. This is probably the most common way to run API Umbrella and keeps it separate from your existing website (so you could still use ServerPilot for the rest of your site, but only the subdomain would be running on a separate linux server).

Let me know if you have any further questions.