NREL / bifacial_radiance

Toolkit for working with RADIANCE for the ray-trace modeling of Bifacial Photovoltaics
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
84 stars 46 forks source link

results saved on Front & Back files not compiled properly by CompiledResults #460

Open shirubana opened 1 year ago

shirubana commented 1 year ago

trackerdict = demo.analysis1axis(trackerdict, customname = 'Module', sensorsy=9, modWanted=1, rowWanted=1)

Analysis for GROUND

modscanfront = {'xstart': 0, 'zstart': 0.05, 'xinc': 2, # every 2 meteres 'zinc': 0, 'Ny':4}

trackerdict = demo.analysis1axis(trackerdict, customname = 'Ground', modWanted=2, rowWanted=1, modscanfront=modscanfront, sensorsy=1)

generates 3 files:


but compile shows the following: image

debug tutorial on Tutorials "debug HPC AgriPVcompiling"

shirubana commented 1 year ago

Workaround so I can finish AgriPV simulations. Tips: -Instead of using Gfront for scanning ground, use Gback -Pass agriPV=True to calculateResults. then RadObj.CompiledResults['Wm2Back'] will show the ground irradiance.

-Bugs found: Cumulative 1axis-- If you run analysis twice (i.e. for model the PV module AND the ground irradiances), whatever is the last simulation overwrites the stored trackerdict Analysis results, so the calculateResults only then compiles 1 row of results. For the time being this means I have to calculate Results and save the compiled results between each Analysis. -Also 'custom' name for the analysis does not get saved as part of the indexing in the trackerdict object and might be necessary for sampling ground, for example.