[5/28/24 5:05 PM] Ovaitt, Silvana
seems the weather data function broke for the NSRDB data. here are some test files just saved from there. If you donwload it with pvlib it is a different look than downloaded directly from NSRDB
[5/28/24 5:06 PM] Ovaitt, Silvana
dataframe and pickle
[5/28/24 5:05 PM] Ovaitt, Silvana seems the weather data function broke for the NSRDB data. here are some test files just saved from there. If you donwload it with pvlib it is a different look than downloaded directly from NSRDB [5/28/24 5:06 PM] Ovaitt, Silvana dataframe and pickle
[Yesterday 5:06 PM] Ovaitt, Silvana dicitonary pickeld df_convert_219559.zip meta_convert_219559.zip