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Reopt Lite: All output load data returning as 2017 #172

Closed l-jacob closed 4 years ago

l-jacob commented 4 years ago

Hello. I've run a few calls to the API inputting the same data. No matter what value I give "LoadProfile" > "year" it returns "year" : 2017

I've tried this with identical input information (with "monthly_totals_kwh") changing "year" for 2016, 2018 and 2020. Each time it returns "year": 2017 registered as the input.

Is Reopt Lite only running on 2017 weather data? Thanks.

GUI commented 4 years ago

@NLaws, @sakshi-mishra, @t-kwasnik: Is this something one of you can answer regarding the REopt Lite API?

NLaws commented 4 years ago

From for LoadProfile.year:

Year of Custom Load Profile. If a custom load profile is uploaded via the loads_kw parameter, it is important that this year correlates with the load profile so that weekdays/weekends are determined correctly for the utility rate tariff. If a DOE Reference Building profile (aka 'simulated' profile) is used, the year is set to 2017 since the DOE profiles start on a Sunday.

l-jacob commented 4 years ago

Thank you! That answers my question.