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'Data processing failure' on nsrdb psm3-tmy-download request #242

Closed jessicamillar closed 2 years ago

jessicamillar commented 2 years ago

Hi. I am trying to get typical modeled year direct normal irradiance data and am working with the nsrdb api for the first time. I am getting a 'Data processing failure' error. Am I making an error in the request, is there a different/better way to request, or shall I sit tight for issues to be resolved?

query_string = f'{NREL_API_KEY}&names=tmy&utc=true&email={email}&attributers=dni&wkt=POINT({lon},{lat})' response = requests.get(query_string) response.json()['errors']

result: ['Data processing failure.']

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

Well, just to eliminate the obvious things first... are you passing that request in verbatim? Or are you replacing "{NREL_API_KEY}" and "{lon},{lat}" with an actual API key, longitude, and latitude?

jessicamillar commented 2 years ago

Hi Paul -

Thanks for the swift help. I did notice a typo in my query (attributers instead of attributes) but that didn't seem to be the issue.

import requests query_string = ',45.65)' response = requests.get(query_string) response.json()['errors']

results in: ['Data processing failure.']

If there is a different nsrdb api endpoint I could use for dni that would be fine.

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

Ahh, just a WKT format issue. Looks like our validation code didn't catch this one. Simply remove the comma between the lat and lon e.g.<blahblahblah>names=tmy&utc=true& 45.65)

jessicamillar commented 2 years ago

Thanks Paul!

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

You're welcome!