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India Site count- regarding #248

Closed ramabgit closed 2 years ago

ramabgit commented 2 years ago


I wanted to verify how many sites are providing the data for a region. so I used the site count api call and got following response. Does this mean the India data has only one site? or does this mean the coordinates I have used is getting data from 1 site?

{ "inputs": { "body": {}, "params": {}, "query": { "wkt": "POINT(75.36621 24.726874)" } }, "metadata": { "version": "2.0.0", "resultset": { "count": 1 } }, "status": 200, "outputs": { "us-west-coast-virtual-buoy": 0, "himawari7": 0, "mexico-wtk": 0, "offshore-ca": 0, "himawari-tmy": 0, "full-disc": 0, "us-atlantic-virtual-buoy": 0, "us-atlantic-hindcast": 0, "himawari": 0, "india-wind": 1, "msg-iodc": 1, "offshore-great-lakes": 0, "spectral-india-tmy": 0, "vietnam-wtk": 0, "suny-india-tmy": 1, "suny-india": 1, "vietnam": 0, "psm3": 0, "offshore-mid-atlantic": 0, "psm3-5min": 0, "puerto-rico": 0, "offshore-hawaii": 0, "philippines": 0, "philippines-wtk": 0, "offshore-nw-pacific": 0, "psm3-tmy": 0, "spectral-ondemand": 0, "central-asia-wind": 0, "hawaii-hindcast": 0, "us-west-coast-hindcast": 0, "wtk": 0, "wtk-srw": 0 }, "errors": [] }

I want to know all the sites belonging to india. How do I download data from all sites across india?

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

It is possible to do it through the APIs, however you would have to do some work to craft a series of requests that would allow you to accomplish this within the rate limits of these services. This technique is described at

However, if you're truly interested in downloading all of the India data you might prefer downloading the full raw dataset directly from AWS from the landing page at with the India Wind dataset specifically at

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

Specifically about the site_count endpoint, since you requested a single POINT in your WKT, that will only match the closest single site within 50km. That means it will only ever match either 0 or 1 sites. What you are looking for is to make a request with a POLYGON WKT that will return with the number of sites located within the specified polygon.

ramabgit commented 2 years ago

Ok. Thanks. That gives some information for me to research. But how do I even get all the coordinates of India?

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest keeping it simple by finding the four corners of a box that contains all of India. Then you could start breaking that down into smaller and smaller squares in a grid pattern until you arrive at a reasonable grid size where each block can be used to craft a request within the rate limits. Since the rate limits are influenced by a few factors in a request it might take a little fiddling to get it dialed in.

ramabgit commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if you can include lat and long in the response.

Anyways, but I tried downloading one another point. it gives me download url but when I try to download, it says URL not found. here is one such URL.

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

I think the job for that request hasn't run yet. You'll get an email with the same link when the file is truly ready. The resulting files do include the coordinates of the actual site matched. Is that what you meant?

ramabgit commented 2 years ago

Great. I'm able to download the file. But it is not having lat and long coordinates in the data


PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the slow turn-around on this. We had a bug. I've deployed a fix so that lat and lon do show up in the downloads now. Thanks again for your feedback!

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

I'm going to close this out. If you have any further issues don't hesitate to let me know!