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Nsrdb rate limit udates #250

Closed PjEdwards closed 2 years ago

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

Many updates, make text consistent, detail new rate limits, use the same dummy email everywhere.

Resolves #249

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

@GUI I only recently became a contributer to this repo and I'm not sure what kind of process you prefer on PRs. Unless you direct me otherwise I'm going to leave this for someone else to review. If that is not necessary and you'd prefer that I review and merge myself I'd be happy to oblige.

GUI commented 2 years ago

@PjEdwards: Sorry we hadn't added you with permissions sooner! I'd say you're welcome to review and merge things for your own APIs yourself, but whatever you'd prefer!

PjEdwards commented 2 years ago

OK, sounds good. I like having a second set of eyes do a review, but certainly don't want to make extra work for anyone. Appreciate the merge!