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No data avaialble at provided location in South America with pm3-tmy-download #312

Closed kalron1812 closed 1 year ago

kalron1812 commented 1 year ago

When i try to query a location in Brazil say (POINT(-51.6 -16.44) using GET nsrdb/v2/solar/psm3-tmy-download.csv? It works fine and it fetches the data, however, if try at a nearby location POINT(-50.5 -29.2) then i get

"status": 400,
    "errors": [
        "No data available at the provided location",
        "Data processing failure."

Which areas do not have the data ? its not clear in the api docs

This is the full query

GET -29.2)&attributes=dhi%2Cdni%2Cghi%2Cdew_point%2Cair_temperature%2Csurface_pressure%2Cwind_direction%2Cwind_speed%2Csurface_albedo%2C%2C%2C&names=tmy-2020

PjEdwards commented 1 year ago

Have a look at the NSRDB Data Viewer at It shows a map with the rough extents of each datasets circled. If you click on any point (or draw a shape, or search an address) it will show you all of the available datasets for that location.