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NSRDB HSDS Data Source Documentation #329

Closed dbready closed 8 months ago

dbready commented 8 months ago

I am interested in pulling a large amount of the NSRDB GHI data covering the continental US over a three year time-span. The 4km, 30minute resolution would be sufficient. Browsing the HSDS service, I can find several potential options, but it is unclear what distinguishes one from the other. I was looking to see if there are any resources which would help me to understand the features/limitations of the available collections.

Not that I require the latest data, but several of the datasets stop in 2020, and so I assume that the folders with 2022 datasets represent the latest supported models. The below groups caught my eye:

Lacking anything concrete, I am tempted to use the current/ group, but I was hoping for something a little more deliberate. Are the three functionally equivalent for the data I am trying to acquire? If I query years 2019-2022, were there any modelling changes which would disrupt continuity?

Thanks for whatever you can provide.

PjEdwards commented 8 months ago

@dbready I'm not knowledgeable enough to confidently give you an answer here. I'd suggest reviewing the dataset documentation from If that doesn't have enough information to answer your questions, send an email directly to the modeling team at

(P.S the docs are slightly out of date.... we just released the 2022 data last week. I'll get the API docs and website updated very soon)