NREL / floorspace.js

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Web Interface loses the download and open buttons once I start editing. #383

Open powskier opened 3 years ago

powskier commented 3 years ago

Once I start editing a floorplan I no longer have access to the download or open buttons on the bar at the top. image image Thank you for reviewing.

Mkellyeng commented 3 years ago

I believe this happens when you create a Floorspace JSON in OpenStudio, and then import it into the web interface. Is that what you did? or was this entirely done within the web interface?

When I test the web interface ( in chrome, it worked as expected image

I assume the two version have this difference due to the way OpenStudio saves and merges Floorspace geometries, while the web version just downloads the JSON

macumber commented 3 years ago

@Mkellyeng is correct @powskier. The OS App disables the open FloorspaceJSON button after you start a floorplan because it assumes you will be editing the FloorspaceJSON inside the OS App. When you save your OSM the floorplan.json file is saved in the root of the OSM companion directory. The other geometry modes (IDF, gbXML) promote a workflow where you import geometry, merge with your model, re-import updated geometry, re-merge the updated geometry. This allows you to preserve your HVAC systems, space types, etc after updating geometry in an external tool like Revit. There is a "Merge FloorspaceJS with Model" measure that allows this with FloorspaceJSON.

Does that answer your question? What workflow are you trying to perform?

macumber commented 3 years ago

If this issue is indeed with the OS App we should move it to the OS App repo.