NREL / floorspace.js

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Allow assignments of ThermalZone to Plenums #388

Open macumber opened 3 years ago

macumber commented 3 years ago

Should give above and below space plenums a handle or id to a zone so they can reference a zone. Also give plenums a handle or id to a space.

macumber commented 3 years ago

Possibly just new keys:

"spaces": [{
    "above_ceiling_plenum_height": null,
    "above_ceiling_plenum_space_handle": null,
    "above_ceiling_plenum_zone_id": null,
    "above_ceiling_plenum_zone_handle": null,
    "below_floor_plenum_height": null,
    "below_floor_plenum_space_handle": null,
    "below_floor_plenum_zone_id": null,
    "below_floor_plenum_zone_handle": null,