NREL / floorspace.js

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Move CI/CD from Travis to Github Actions #393

Closed kylem038 closed 3 years ago

kylem038 commented 3 years ago

Goal of this PR is to use Github actions to control CI/CD and no longer use TravisCI.

Currently the test suite will run on push to any of the branches on the repo. Only if the push is to develop, and only if the test step passes, will the deploy job run.

Currently have 1 test assertion commented out which I will follow-up on later.

bgschiller commented 3 years ago

Cool, this looks good. You're wanting to fix the commented-out assertion in a follow-up PR?

Could you remove the travis-ci files in this same branch, so they're not both trying to run?

kylem038 commented 3 years ago

@bgschiller yeah I was going to address it in a follow-up, but if we want to wait until tomorrow I could possibly get the fix into this PR.

Good catch on the Travis files. I deleted them on another branch.