NREL / hsds-examples

Examples of using the HSDS Service to Access NREL WIND Toolkit data
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What data range is available? #16

Open rachtsingh opened 2 years ago

rachtsingh commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks so much for making this dataset available to researchers, it's really amazing to work with. I had a small question about when data from 2021 would become available, e.g. at /nrel/nsrdb/v3/nsrdb_2021.h5.

I ask because I'm working with inverter solar generation data that is only available after 20201101, so the overlap with NSRDB data is unfortunately quite small. Luckily there's some overlap so I can test my models, but I'm hoping to use very data hungry models so an additional year of data would be incredible.

Thank you again!

grantbuster commented 2 years ago

Typically we release NSRDB data 6-9 months after the end of the calendar year, so you can expect nsrdb 2021 to become available in september at the latest.