NREL / openstudio-common-measures-gem

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OpenStudio Results Measure Reports Infiltration in Incorrect SI Units #118

Open chriswmackey opened 2 years ago

chriswmackey commented 2 years ago

We have found a bug in the openstudio_results measure in how it reports the infiltration units in SI. The HTML output by the measure says that the units are m^3/h/m^2 but the values are very clearly in m^3/s/m^2. The units and values are correct when IP units are used.


Recreating the issue should be easy enough as you only need a model with infiltration and you need to use SI units for the measure.

More information from the user who identified this bug can be found here on the Pollination forum:

James-py commented 3 months ago

this bug also affects SI outdoor air ventilation rates in the Space Type Summary section. I fixed this bug by changing line 2037 of openstudio_results/resources/os_lib_reporting.rb

The correct units should be m/h not m/s

OpenStudioResults bug fix