NREL / openstudio-common-measures-gem

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Add ground temperatures to ChangeBuildingLocation measure #91

Open mdahlhausen opened 2 years ago

mdahlhausen commented 2 years ago

Copying over this issue from the openstudio-standards repo. From @mldichter "The ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure creates the Site:Location, Site:WaterMainsTemperature, and SizingPeriod:DesignDay objects in the model based on input epw and stat files. Missing when changing location is the Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface object. This would be a great addition to the measure rather than being dependent on the user for the temperature calculations."

Note that there are several GroundTemperature options, with the most common being Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface and Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod. The BuildingSurface temperatures are typically modeled with a slab tool and within a few degrees of typical adjacent zone temperatures. The FCfactorMethod temperatures are typically the average monthly air temperature with a three month lag. A ruby method that implements this is detailed here.