NREL / openstudio-common-measures-gem

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view_data normalize zone load data by area or volume #98

Open DavidGoldwasser opened 2 years ago

DavidGoldwasser commented 2 years ago

@macumber I'm using this on a model where there happens to be one large zone that is half of the building volume and 1/4th of the area. This odd zone doesn't impact surface or zone temperatures but does skews the scale for zone load output variables (so all other zones look like one color when they have vary different loads). I don't see something like an EUI in eplousout.rdd file. I see two approaches to address this in the measure. One would be a menu list to normalized zone values by (nothing, floor area, volume). The other would be to allow for manual definition of the scale, so I can cut off min/max where I want instead of having it auto-scale.

Didn't know if you had any thoughts or preference for this.

For my immediate need I don't have any time, so my work around will be to make run a copy of the model with the zone loads removed from the problematic space, That is ok for rough visualization which is fine for now. I may also be able to hack something in my initial resulting HTML file to override the scale?

macumber commented 2 years ago

Which metric are you looking at? I think EUI is only reported for the entire building right, you can't get it by zone? Ideally E+ could just report out what you are looking for. Maybe the annual zone level reports could be added to the SQL file as timeseries? Or maybe this measure could know how to get the annual zone level data from the tabular output reports?

I think we should have a call about this measure some time, is NREL going to be updating it to use glTF once that is available? I think that would be ideal if you are. The OSC has put some improvements into this measure that should be able to port over, I've been trying to contribute those back here.

DavidGoldwasser commented 2 years ago

A talk sometime after 3.4 is out sounds good. My EUI was a bad example what I want to take zone variable like Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate and divide it by the area of the zone, so that a small and large zone with the same internal load density would have similar colors.