NREL / openstudio-model-articulation-gem

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Strange division fo space on test ofr test_non_zero_rotation_primary_school in bar from doe building types #88

Open DavidGoldwasser opened 2 years ago

DavidGoldwasser commented 2 years ago

PrimarySchool Restroom is split across two bars, and on the second bar. Also PrimarySchool Lobby is split on two stories of second bar but doesn't look like it needs to be.

This may be related to dual Floor area of PrimarySchool Restroom results in a bar with smaller than target minimum width message that made test fail. This PR did change order of space type inspection, which fixed issue of wrong space type floor area on another test.

I'll relax test for now but should investigate this more another time. Before I do that I'll confirm the issue on other test with two failures in CreateBarFromBuildingTypeRatios are similar