This was one of the issues I hit in testing QAQC measure, work around is pretty ugly. I read the ASHRAE climate zone through OpenStudio API, throw away all climate zones, get new ones, then I can do EUI and other checks in standards that need climate zones.
# temp code to address climate zone problem mentioned in OpenStudio issue# 3148
climateZones = @model.getClimateZones
cz = climateZones.getClimateZones('ASHRAE').first.value
climateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', cz)
This code would throw away and valid CEC climate zones,
See OpenStudio issue 3148 for more details
This was one of the issues I hit in testing QAQC measure, work around is pretty ugly. I read the ASHRAE climate zone through OpenStudio API, throw away all climate zones, get new ones, then I can do EUI and other checks in standards that need climate zones.
This code would throw away and valid CEC climate zones,