NREL / resstock

Highly granular modeling of residential building stocks at national, regional, and local scales using OpenStudio/EnergyPlus.
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residential_quota_downselect for single family detached buildstock.csv #1221

Closed priyada7 closed 3 months ago

priyada7 commented 3 months ago

I had a query in using Resstock. I am new to this tool, and facing issue trying to understand.

Basically, I want to build housing chacteristics of 100 homes in climate zone 1A of single family detached. To use this I use the residential_quota_downselect and below is the code snippet in yml file.

But the csv that it generates as buildstock.csv has all regions and all types of houses and the results-csv status comes as fail.

Can you please help me here?

sampler: type: residential_quota_downselect args: n_datapoints: 100 logic:

joseph-robertson commented 3 months ago

The filtering logic should be of the form "parameter|option". So in your example, instead of "site_iecc_zone|1A", you'd want "ASHRAE IECC Climate Zone 2004|1A".

priyada7 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for thr response. okay!! but still the problem persists. buildstock.csv

priyada7 commented 3 months ago

Is it because the resample is set to 'false'? I am not geeting the desired houses? I did change it to 'true' with below syntax :

sampler: type: residential_quota_downselect args: n_datapoints: 350000 logic:

joseph-robertson commented 3 months ago

Sounds like you are using run_analysis.rb. Currently, resample is not supported when using run_analysis.rb. See the note in about that.

It is expected that your buildstock.csv contains all samples. The downselect is applied at simulation time; the results.csv should show "Invalid" completed status (with no simulation results) for samples that aren't both Single-Family Detached and IA.

priyada7 commented 3 months ago

Forgive me if I am understanding it incorrectly, is there any way that i can generate my desired sample of houses (1A , single family detached) in a "buildstock.csv" ?

joseph-robertson commented 3 months ago

Yes. You could generate the full buildstock.csv, manually downselect its rows (e.g., using Excel filters), re-enumerate the Building column, and then using the precomputed sampler type that points to the downselected sample file.

nmerket commented 3 months ago

If you use buildstock_local from buildstockbatch, the system we use to run larger analyses, you can do the downsample you're looking for.