NREL / resstock

Highly granular modeling of residential building stocks at national, regional, and local scales using OpenStudio/EnergyPlus.
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Test January high electric heating #1224

Open joseph-robertson opened 3 months ago

joseph-robertson commented 3 months ago

Pull Request Description

/c/openstudio-3.7.0/bin/openstudio.exe workflow/run_analysis.rb -y project_national/national_baseline_550k_local.yml -o -i 500395 -i 321522 -i 201574 -i 424431 -k

/c/openstudio-3.7.0/bin/openstudio.exe resources/hpxml-measures/workflow/run_simulation.rb -x develop_a847_2020_03182024/xml/Baseline/201574.xml -o 201574 --monthly ALL


Not all may apply:

joseph-robertson commented 3 months ago

Summarized heating design loads and Manual J inputs for the 4 dwelling units:

Thus heating design load components are quite large, contributing to a large system size. In reality, it's likely uncommon for ND homes to have such housing characteristics.

@rajeee to send additional datapoints that are more typical of a realistic dwelling unit in ND. This will help to understand our target heating design loads.

@joseph-robertson to check what happens when we manually adjust extreme:

How much does the previous contribute to the decrease in heating design loads? Idea: use a precomputed buildstock csv file with manual adjustments in a parametric analysis?