NREL / rplexos

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Warning: Log in solution did not parse correctly. #49

Closed claytonpbarrows closed 7 years ago

claytonpbarrows commented 8 years ago

base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")

Name: process_folder

Title: Convert PLEXOS files to SQLite databases

Aliases: process_folder process_input process_solution

\ Examples

Process the folder with the solution file provided by rplexos

location <- location_solution_rplexos() process_folder(location) Warning: Log in solution '/home/hornik/tmp/CRAN/rplexos.Rcheck/rplexos/extdata/solution/' did not parse correctly. Data parsed correctly if no other errors were found.

danielsjf commented 8 years ago

I didn't solve the error, but I removed all the references to it in the building/testing of the package by CRAN. Something changed in the input files part. For some reason this fails currently. This gives an error so I removed all the examples and tests related to this.

At the moment, I get three errors when I test the package. These are all three in skip_on_cran() parts. This shouldn't be a problem.

Apart from this, the check is successful and the submission to CRAN should be fine. Let me know if it works.