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[EN][Cata][Dungeons] The Vortex Pinnacle (Heroic) #119

Open Illusie opened 6 years ago

Illusie commented 6 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: ---

Description: The Vortex Pinnacle (Heroic)

Current behaviour:


  1. Common to all NPCs in this Dungeon, they're casting abilities too often. Mobs should has Timer for Special ability using and they should not spam it Some NPCs seems abit overscale and do higher damage than they should. (Not sure if its gear issue or the NPCs just hit higher.)


  1. The NPC called Cloud Prince instantly spawn his Adds and they just stand and do nothing. if you pull the NPC away from them they don't follow. 2a. The NPC seems like has more than Starfall and Typhoon abilities The animation looks like Starfire (boomy) cleaving 3 targets, I'm not sure that ability should exist. source:


  1. NPC called Lurking Tempest has too long shooting range of his ability. We was upstairs behind him and he shotted us. The mob should has lower range. Also that NPC causing staying in Combat.


  1. First Boss combat clip-size is bit bigger than it should or You can see that when they enter into combat is once they almost pass the circle texture on the ground. here is when we entered into combat after we wiped: this is our second time (we wiped again) here is us taking Lightning chain after we passed the tornados. those Lightning chains as far I know, should not hit you after you pass the tornados. Also the tornados do bit higher damage than I saw from different videos. Sadly there alot of videos of that boss some of them have push when tornados come close some of them you see players stack under boss Can't be sure which one suppost to be 4.3.4 one

I also think the Light chains tick too fast maybe 1tick per sec. this screenshot show the damage taken: I counted in my video I recorded It took me 7 seconds maybe 7.5 seconds to die from full hp to zero and I also shielded myself.

At end we manage to kill him not before we seen an other bug. <- Tornados are disappearing not running in circles And disappeared at like 10% hp.


  1. Slipstream same as Normal report.


  1. Orbs on bridge are not working same as Normal report.


  1. Second Boss As I said on the Normal report the buff Upwind / Downwind should never go off only switch between the two depend on your position, boss position and wind direction source:

7a. The boss has ability called Lightning blast should happen only to players that are not standing in boss platform. Its clearly hitting people in the platform. proof:


  1. Missing lightning triangle in some NPC packs I explained in the Normal report what that lightning traingle does. - here at 19:42 & 22:03


  1. Last boss Asaad 9a. missing spawns (those little adds) 9b. I'm pretty sure I jumped on static shock still got the root.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. watch it - this is probably the last version of Vortex Pinnacle the video is from March 2012. few months before MoP.

Vortex Pinnacle (Normal)