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[Cata][Class][Rogue] Vanish not working in pve situations. #120

Open Kaiurem opened 6 years ago

Kaiurem commented 6 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: Ryzuh

Description: Vanish is an improved stealth. I should be entirely invisible to every mob including bosses for the duration of Vanish. Currently, half the time, it does not work, and mobs can still target, cast spells, and attack while the Vanish effect is active.

Current behaviour: The shit don't work.

Expected behaviour: It should work lol.

Steps to reproduce the problem: Play a rogue and randomly vanish while in combat/near mobs

virpyre commented 6 years ago

Back in the days Vanish allowed avoiding getting hit by mid-air spells. Later on, you could even negate instant cast spell effects due to a short amount of time of immunity Vanish provided, which was added to the game because of rogue players complained about Vanish being randomly broken.

This was changed in early Cataclysm after Vanish was reworked into providing unbreakable 3-second Stealth.

NOTE: This is what Vanish should do in Cataclysm

Kaiurem commented 6 years ago

Literally not relevant to the bug I reported. Vanish does not drop aggro of anything half of the time. They re-target you and continue to attack and cast spells while in improved stealth for the 3 seconds it's active. Idk why you're trying to adamantly to tell me it's supposed to work like that lmao.

virpyre commented 6 years ago

My post references to the developer, so he will know how it's supposed to work.

Illusie commented 6 years ago

afaik - it's should not work on bosses. if you feign death or vanish or invisible in boss should still hit you.

we had that issue in other pservers

9/10 people died hunter feign death > boss encounter reseted. it shouldn't. the boss should keep attack you till you die.


true-ede commented 6 years ago

@Illusie that's actually a blizzlike mechanic. You could avoid dying as a hunter/rogue/mage back on retail as the last person alive on a boss. Is there another issue with this related to pservers other than certain classes avoiding repair costs?

Illusie commented 6 years ago

@true-ede maybe you right i haven't played retail. on pserver it doesn't work this way. ill try find reports from other pserver for more info maybe other people already made a research.