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NRG-Wow Bugtracker
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[EN][Cata][Dungeons] Grim Batol (Heroic) #124

Open Illusie opened 6 years ago

Illusie commented 6 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: ---

Current behaviour: Actually I didn't found many bugs In this Dungeon. except maybe bit NPCs cast things too often and bit damage scales.


  1. Shattered Red Drake their ability Engulfing Flames should has 1 sec CD atm it's just spammable.

Medium 1a. those Red Drakes should fly you to after second boss location by click them (Green arrow) and auto fly. proof: 21:33 1b. you can drop from Red Drakes straight to last boss. It's bug you shouldn't able as far I know you can only use Drakes to fly to location after boss like 1a says.


  1. First boss - NPCs Trogg Dwellers are not respawning. the NPCs should respawn each X time. except the Malignant Trogg (Purple one) if he is not killed.

High 2a. Ground Siege is not working properly on my VOD he had to cast it like 5 times and only 1 is been seen. Probably if Tank is taunting/or keep attacking (regenerate the aggro) the boss just stop that ability.

Another problem is sometimes the boss is using Blitz instead of Ground Siege I can clearly see the message of DBM saying "Boss begins to cast Ground Siege" and what he does is Blitz. proof:


  1. The NPC packs Azureborne Warlord & Trogg dweller should patrol around that that room after the 1st boss.


  1. the NPC Azureborne Warlord need to cast his abilities. Right now the adds are instant summoned. proof:


  1. Second boss - The boss is instantly pickinng & switching between the weapons - Again boss should has Special Timers. If I remember well there is like around 6 second between each pick Weapon. except that no bugs found by me.

5a. Second boss putting Burning Flames like 2x > 6x > 8x


  1. I didn't found any bugs on Drahga maybe except Timers. Not sure so no report. Except that after we wiped him we entered to Combat with him from pretty long distance. (Again clipsize) which been reported in many of my Bug reports.

And basically you are not suppost to drop him to 30%, when you enter to fight with him he should run the Valiona dragon and fly it. When you kill Valiona Drahga should have 20% or 30% (can't remember) hp already.


  1. After Drahga there are NPCs Faceless Corruptor that are not suppost to be there.


  1. Last Boss Shadow Gale location is only at the middle. Its should spawn at random locations 8a. Binding Shadows missing animation sometimes & not working at all. 8b.Adds of Erudax use ability Shields of Nightmares randomly while walking to eggs. they should use it only like 3-5 sec after the reach the eggs.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Used few Videos from YT and compared with my VODs
Illusie commented 6 years ago
