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NRG-Wow Bugtracker
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[Cata][Class][Rogue] Sapped targets entering combat, casting abilties, auto attacking. #126

Open Kaiurem opened 6 years ago

Kaiurem commented 6 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: Ryzuh

Description: When you sap an npc and engage in combat near the sapped target they enter combat with you while incapacitated.

Current behaviour: While in combat in the middle of a sap, npcs are casting spells, applying debuffs and auto attacking.

Expected behaviour: Npcs should not enter combat with the rogue or any players unless attacked directly. Nor should they be casting spells and applying auras while sapped.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Sap something
  2. Attack something else next to it
  3. Be confused
Illusie commented 6 years ago

according to 1:52 u right even when tank stand like 2y from the other NPC it doesn't look like (according to this frames addon) that he recieve threat and the mob targeting him.


According to my tests in other pservers (u can guess which) sometimes the target you sapped get in combat while sapped and sometimes not. I think it's about threat generate or other thing I'm not gonna search what is it exactly atm.

Test results: I sapped NPC then attacked another NPC from 20y ~ and sapped NPC then attacked another NPC nearby like 5y ~

4/4 20y~ like from sapped target - 0 enters to combat. 2/6 5y~ like from sapped target - 2 enters to combat.

screenshot1: sapped target + attacked another npc close to the sapped target.

screenshot2: sapped target + attacked another npc far from the sapped target.

screenshot3: sapped target + attack another npc close to the sapped target.

the npc in picture 3 you can see him in picture 2 and in picture 3 you can see both of them dead.

"Sap does not cause threat, meaning that if you Sap a mob and then move out of normal aggro range, the mob will not attack you after the Sap effect is broken" - wowpedia

according to this quote its problem with the aggro range (clipsizes) I already reported them few times in different reports.


Todays Edit: I think the video from Retail is stronger evidence and this issue should be fixed. It's up to you.