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[EN][Cata][Rogue] Vanish #196

Open Illusie opened 5 years ago

Illusie commented 5 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: ---

Description: Flame orb breaking Vanish

Current behaviour: If Flame Orb is used and rogue using Vanish. the Vanish instantly break from the Flame Orb.

Expected behaviour:

Flame Orb should not break Vanish. Rogue suppost to be in stealth for 3 seconds duration in Stealth even if he recieve damage.

The stealth will break after 3 seconds from DoTs/Bleeds If there any on the Rogue. OR If the Rogue use abilities before 3 seconds duration ends.

Checked only with Flame Orb didn't checked with other kind of DoTs or Bleeds If they causing Vanish to break instantly.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Video can provided.

  1. Duel Rogue
  2. Blink / Be in distance
  3. Use Flame orb
  4. Rogue to use Vanish see break instantly.
virpyre commented 5 years ago

I believe it is working as intended. It can be quite annoying but it's a 1-minute cooldown and a lot of mages even forget it exists, plus you have 3 seconds of guaranteed stealth after a vanish, which should be enough time to get away from the orb.

Illusie commented 5 years ago

it's instantly breaking the vanish = no 3 second.

vanish is not 1min cooldown it's 3 min cooldown if it's instantly break cause Flame orb it's definitely gamebreaking in pvp aspect / arena / high rating etc.

I sent you video in Discord Wilcalaf also

virpyre commented 5 years ago

The 1-minute cd is intended for fire orb which is why it said: "It's a 1-minute cooldown and a lot of mages even forget it exists." After giving this a second look there is another reason it's working as intended, Vanish is not designed to remove or mitigate the damage from damage over time spells Flame Orb is considered a damage over time spell try using Cloak of Shadows.

Illusie commented 5 years ago

you can vanish w/o use cloak of shadow and be in stealth for 3 second than after 3 second it will break from the dot.

if cloak of shadow is used before vanish to remove dots you will stay in stealth till you open / get out of stealth again.

those are two different things. Vanish should not break instanly from Flame orb - that is a game breaking.

Vanish: "For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects."

virpyre commented 5 years ago

Vanish does not apply any sort of immunity as you're implying. It grants 3 seconds of invisibility and if no dmg is taken, or attacks made, you gain full stealth period the glory days of vanishing between dot ticks are gone players now have to use Cloak of Shadows + Vanish if they want to be perfectly hidden.

Illusie commented 5 years ago

I didn't said Vanish is giving you "any sort of immunity". If you Vanish while you have DoTs/Bleeds you still take the damage from the DoTs/Bleeds. All what I said is Vanish will not break instantly from the damage of the DoTs/Bleeds.

Vanish grant you 3 seconds of stealth. After 3 seconds If you have DoTs/Bleeds it will break up. BUT never before.

I sent you video in Discord when you clearly can see Rogue is using Vanish and it doesn't giving him 3 seconds of stealth and instantly break. (From Flame Orb)

Vanish is =/= not Stealth

It's written black on white read the quote I posted again.

Links added:

Heroclassx commented 5 years ago

@virpyre you dont really know much about cataclysm mechanics, right?

Vanish since Cataclysm dosent break by dot ticks anymore. It grants you a 3 second "immunity" to dot ticks, which basically means the dots still tick but wont break the Vanish, after the 3seconds Vanish turns into normal stealth, If a dot ticks while you are in stealth, the stealth will break. I can give you around 10 retail videos where you can see that, just check Taku 1, Khuna 3, Khuna 4 or for example in Snutz5 you can see him dotting Nomaz with ua, poa, corruption and rogue Vanishs whole 3 seconds and then opens.

But this is not the point of the discussion. Flame Orb/Frostfire Orb is supposed to break Stealth (Feral/Rogue) and also Shadowmeld of nightelfs, but Vanish shouldn't break by the orb. Same mechanic as dots, should break after "vanish buff" fades.