NRG948 / NRGRobot2018

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Classpath testing #17

Closed chandrap2 closed 6 years ago

chandrap2 commented 6 years ago

After pulling this update, get ready to see a lot of errors in your project; because the .classpath file from the main repository has been deleted, your project will not be able to locate the plugins on your computer. To fix this, right click on the NRG9482018 project in Eclipse, then navigate to "Build Path > Configure Build Path... > Libraries". Then click on "Add External JARs" and add your installed plugins e.g. "cscore.jar", "WPILIB.jar", "wpiutil.jar", etc. These are located in C:\Users\\wpilib\java\current\lib. If you haven't already downloaded these plugins, go to, scroll down to "Installing the development plugins - Option 1: Online Install" and follow the outlined steps.