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Create a user survey on #268

Open deirdrelee opened 5 years ago

deirdrelee commented 5 years ago

Add user testing component: implement redirection to an optional survey to be taken when datasets/documents are downloaded, and provide guidance on survey content.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago


Goal: get maximum number of users to engage with survey; don't be annoying

User evaluation

YTD Google Analytics top-level stats: image

YTD Google Analytics events overview: image


This is a significant number of downloads, with or without the "Resource" event. Still, a lot of visitors are coming to the site and visiting multiple pages without downloading anything.

Potential triggering events:

My thoughts

I like the idea of triggering on downloads with a large popup-type event. I also would like to try and gather responses from users not downloading, but a site-obscuring popup seems overly intrusive in this case. Some kind of slide-out corner modal to prompt users after they visit X number of pages or spend a certain amount of time on the site appeals to me. Deirdre made a counterpoint in our call that we want them to take the survey, so why obscure it.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Link to draft survey via Google forms:

I have taken some questions and inspiration from the survey.

EricSoroos commented 5 years ago

Do you want this to run on Google Forms or survey monkey?

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Google Forms unless there is a compelling reason to use survey monkey (is it more reputable?)

EricSoroos commented 5 years ago

No, clarification. The first message said survey monkey, and the last a google link.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Right. We will stick with Google Forms, then.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hi Tommy. I'm going to be working on the survey implementation tomorrow. I suggest I start with the "definitely" triggers and we'll see how it looks from there. So that will be both ways of triggering a download, using Google Forms.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner any progress here?

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago


I've added a popup to the download buttons on the resource and dataset pages inviting users to fill out the survey and a cookie that will prevent a user being spammed again when they next download a res. Currently with a 30 second expiry time so you can test.

How often would you like to prompt users to fill out the survey? Once per day?

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner With Deirdre we discussed them only being offered the survey one time. I think that is OK or else maybe set it for 60 days or something? Do you have a thought?

@deirdrelee is there any perspective from the implementation that would be helpful?

Can you also link the site to have a look? I don't see anything on Thanks.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

I edited the ticket immediately after posting as I noticed I didn’t put a link, but clearly you are reading my response via email which obviously won’t include that. is where you want to look.

For the survey is offered again after 24 hours. I have no strong opinion on it either way. It very much depends on what data you are surveying and what you’re using it for.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Ok, I see the popup. It looks good! There seems to be an issue for certain types of filetypes though, PDFs specifically. When I click the download button for a document (e.g. here) I do not get the popup. Could be related to how it downloads, because when I use that button in Chrome & Firefox the PDF just opens up right in the browser (same tab).

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

I've sorted that now. All downloads now set to target="_blank" which means in the case of PDFs and other file types which want to open in the same browser tab, they will now open in a new tab instead, leaving the survey popup there. It was actually popping up but was being undone by the window moving on to the PDF.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Great, thanks. What about with this link, which is on all the RGI source library pages? Possible to add there as well? I believe that is part of the resource description metadata, so not sure if we can get at it without reloading every document with a new schema.


t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner some comments on the modal itself:


jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

No problem. And yes, can add it to the url string too as per your previous comment.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hey, All the discussed changes have been implemented now.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Same target="_blank" issue with the URL link as before. I see the popup flash before redirection.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Let's also do a new tab for the "Yes" button on the modal. And please increase the top margin on the modal-dialog as well, preferably to a point where the header of the modal overlaps somewhat with the main blue navigation bar.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

target="_blank" added to Yes button and to the url string.

I added 160px top margin to the dialog. That makes the top of the modal overlap the header bar on the resource page. Let me know if that needs tweaked further.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Looks great!

A final tweak to the body text:

"Your feedback is important. Help us improve by taking a short survey."

When I test, it wraps the line after " ", if for some reason it returns before "", please increase the width slightly.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Made modal a few pixels wider as it did indeed wrap for me. Body text changed as advised. Good to go?

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner I think it looks great.

Final issue we did not settle on: cookies

I would like users to be prompted only once.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

With that settled, should we push to and plan on going live tomorrow or Wednesday? I will just be running the setup past the team here one last time.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner some last changes and then let's push to

Text change on body: "Your feedback is crucial to us." to "Your feedback is important to us."

Text change on button: "YES I'LL HELP" to "YES" (keep the button width the same though)

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hi @moman822

I've implemented those changes. It is not possible to set a cookie to never expire so instead I set it to expire in 10 years, effectively the same thing in this case.

I'll push that to staging now.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

And deployment successful.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

So one concern from the team is regarding how for all PDF downloads, the download is just opening the document in a new browser tab and you are redirected automatically to that tab, while the survey prompt opens in the original tab. This could cause people to miss the survey prompt if they just exit the original tab without returning. Are there any fixes possible in this case, like to delay the new tab opening or trigger that only when clicking out of the modal? Or prevent switching to the new tab?

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner any ideas on the above issue?

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hi Tommy. My solution was to add the "download" attribute to the anchor if the file format is pdf. This downloads the pdf in the background whilst the survey popup remains in the foreground.

I made sure both the resource page and the resource list on the dataset page exhibit this behaviour.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Note for testing, the cookie has a 10 year expiry so judicial use of incognito windows/cookie purges may be required.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

Hi @jodiegardiner , that sounds like a good solution but I am not seeing it work as described on either staging site. Can you confirm it is working as you've described? Thanks.

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hi Tommy,

I was ccertain I had thoroughly tested this but I got the same behaviour as you today. I did some investigation and the download attribute will only work for same-origin URLs. That's fine and in our case means they'll work just fine BUT if you start on an page instead of a page then we'll encounter that limitation as the browser thinks the origin and the destination are not on the same server.

Try the above link to see that in action.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner works for me on the download button from the resource page. Can you also add the attribute to the download button from the "Explore" dropdown on the package page? Once that is done, let's push to production and wrap this up! Thanks.

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner can we finish this up today?

t-morrison commented 5 years ago

@jodiegardiner I have just noticed that the incorrect download behavior (new tab opening) is occurring for the RGI documents. Based on your comment above, I guess this is a "same-origin" issue because the RGI docs are hosted on an s3 bucket. Is there a workaround?

jodiegardiner commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I'll have a look.