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Set-up page templates & queries for key pages #135

Open timgdavies opened 9 years ago

timgdavies commented 9 years ago

I suggest for the beta we start with a clean LODSpeakr set-up, and then work through the following process:

(1) Set up HTML wireframes for each page

This gives us a chance to check the layouts, carousels, maps, tables and other widgets we will use, and get CSS right.

Single page:


(2) Set up the queries for each page

This will be possible soon - once we have updated data loaded.

Single page:


(3) Link these together

Single page:


caprenter commented 9 years ago

@timgdavies Please checkout: Single Country Page (#16): Single Project Page (#17): Company List Page (#18):

I'd like some feedback before I continue.

timgdavies commented 9 years ago

This is looking good.


How does it work if we 1/2 the height of the map, so it's fairly wide aspect ratio, and brings up some of the other information above the fold.

Production Stats (Project page)

For this we were thinking about the carousel. I know we don't have enough data yet - but we shouldn't work too much on populating the table here before we work out design for that.


I would move the tags up to top-right (balancing out the project name / country name etc)

Country page

Switch order of Project and Company listings

Companies list

This is looking really good

General thoughts

We'll need to add a one-line of explanatory text under many headings. E.g. 'Companies active in this country'

davidmihalyi commented 9 years ago


  1. Pop up should display name of project and provide a link to project with in bracket the name of operator if available. DC - Ok
  2. Can we color code oil +gas vs mining projects? The tick box should allow to select oil+gas vs mining vs all and active vs all. DC - Should be ok
  3. Not sure what the company group drop down does. Would it narrow displaying results from one company group within country? That would be great! DC - Yes that's the plan! 4.What do tags do? DC - Not sure


  1. Should display aliases, commodity, status (status history), location, associated contracts (link), associated concessions (link).... All of these variables should occupy the space which currently says info with bullet-points or two column table. DC - Ok - will re-visit
  2. We should have a list of the source information on the bottom of the page with links.
  3. Export data and download all source DC - will investigate

Company listing page:

  1. What are we displaying on the map as default? the location of all projects (to which we have geocodes)? Not convinced this is super helpful. I think this should be about being able to search both companies and company group data effectively. Might drop the map. DC - I guess the map would plot projects, and that might give an idea of global coverage. Let me know if you want to drop it. I think there are issues with large amounts of data here anyway
  2. Placement of dropdown is weird, suggest moving it down. DC - Ok
  3. Commodity is not an attibute of companies, rather an attribute to projects. Is that not an issue? DC - We should be able to link companies to projects and therefore to commodity, so let me know if that is, or is not helpful

All page should have an export data link... but I guess we should specify what table to retrieve exactly. DC - we can investigate

giorgiacek commented 9 years ago

Maps Project Page: Agree with Tim on the wide aspect ratio. It would look better. Country Page: For this page I don't think that the wide aspect ratio would work. It's probably better to have kind of a square, so that it is more likely that the whole country will fit in when zoomed by leaflet. Additional Notes Also, not urgent, but maybe be can think about changing the tiles? I have seen nicer ones (from ESRI or CartoDb).

caprenter commented 9 years ago

Thanks for comments @davidmihalyi - I've replied in-line to your questions, I hope you don't mind. @giorgiacek thanks for the comments - I'm not sure about shape either as countries can be funny shapes! I'll put both options up. It might make more sense when we get the maps linked to data to see what they really need to show. It should also be possible to allow users to see the maps full screen if they wanted - so start size would be important, but usability issues might be eased by resizing.

caprenter commented 9 years ago

Thanks again to everyone for contributing.

I've just updated the site with some changes as follows:

Halves the height of the Project Map Puts in 3 sample map tiles, OSM, ESRI, CartoDB (check Country, project, companies page) Alters filters to Oil+Gas, Mining (project page, company drop down) Adds more info to Project Info box - causes problems with fitting everything in. Puts Production stats in a carousel (project page) Swaps Projects and Company table on Country page Adds descriptive text to company table (country page) Moved Tags on Project page to top right

caprenter commented 9 years ago

Based on conversation just now: General No to bar charts

Projects page

Companies Page

Company page

Comapany group Page

caprenter commented 8 years ago

We're left with a minor problem on the source indicidual pages - they are there, but data is not always wired in. Search remains an issue. The inbuilt search does auto complete for us, but random word search is difficult in the software choice we have.

caprenter commented 8 years ago

I think all the work is done here for the Beta.

Search is the only main page that is missing, but that cannot be done now.

There are some possible future enhancements listed in

so I will push this to the post-beta milestone for future consideration