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Add numpy standards 502 #505

Open biosafetylvl5 opened 2 months ago

biosafetylvl5 commented 2 months ago

✅ Required existing tests pass (ie, others as appropriate) ✅ Required documentation added for new/modified functionality ✅ Required release notes added for new/modified functionality ❌ NO REQUIRED updates to other repos (This documentation update does not necessitate changes in other repositories.) ❌ NO REQUIRED unit tests (This is a documentation update, hence no unit tests are required.) ❌ NO REQUIRED integration tests (Since this is a documentation change, no integration tests are needed.)

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Wrote that we will be following numpy docstring guidelines.

Added some easy references for classes, methods, and modules. Will be adding examples/templates for both.

Included easy links to numpy sections as requested so folks don't have to go digging.