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Update ``geoips get / describe`` to add links in output #570

Open evrose54 opened 1 month ago

evrose54 commented 1 month ago

Requested Update


We should update the command geoips get (later to be geoips describe) to include in its output a link to the corresponding GeoIPS artifact described in our documentation. For example, if we were to run geoips get interface algorithms, we'd also include an attribute called doclink (or something similar) which would be a url to the corresponding documentation for such artifact.

Background and Motivation

This was a discussion that was held over #444.

Code to demonstrate issue

GeoipsGet command classes.

jsolbrig commented 1 month ago

Some things to think about on this issue:

jsolbrig commented 1 month ago

@biosafetylvl5 This is the documentation linking issue that I was talking about earlier.

jsolbrig commented 2 weeks ago

This is blocked by the current broken CI. Need to create an issue to fix the CI. Also blocked by improving the dockerfile.

jsolbrig commented 2 weeks ago

@jsolbrig: Add blocking issues to this once the issues exist.