Main Geolocated Information Processing System code base with basic functionality enabled.
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Consider expanding the information returned by ``geoips get / describe plugin`` relevant to the interface of that plugin #582

Open evrose54 opened 1 month ago

evrose54 commented 1 month ago

Requested Update


geoips get plugin describes such plugin well, but we could definitely improve the information exposed to the user. For example, if we were to retrieve a sector plugin (let's say geoips get plugin sectors denver, it would be nice to have additional information about where this sector actually covers. This could be geolocated data such as lats and Lons, or in greater detail, its resolution in degrees, center point, area_extent etc. We should discuss what information we'd like to retrieve for every plugin of each interface, and implement this at a later time. This would make geoips get / describe plugin an extremely useful command.

Background and Motivation

This stems from a conversation held about #444.

Code to demonstrate issue

GeoipsGetPlugin found in

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